Restoring Civilization

Selwyn Duke has some thoughts on it-

American Thinker-

Echoing many Founders, George Washington noted that “morality is a necessary spring of popular government.” The famous apocryphal saying goes, “America is great because America is good, and if she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” For sure, we can’t MAGA unless we MAMA — Make America Moral Again.

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5 Responses to Restoring Civilization

  1. KG says:

    From the linked article:
    ‘So, act as if Truth exists; seek it, speak it, love it, for it will set you free. Realize also that relativism is juvenile pseudo-philosophy. For if everything were relative, what you believed would be relative, too, and thus meaningless. So let’s talk about what’s meaningful.’

  2. Brown says:

    I just returned from the Gold Coast after a week with, among others I was paying for, a step daughter and her boyfriend who live in Melbourne. I can see this concept of do what you like being lived out by these stunningly ignorant young people for whom everything is relative. Conservative views are wrong think of course but everything else is up for grabs. Although well into their 20’s their conversations are vacuous and they live on their phones unless being stimulated by something like an amusement park ride. They don’t see beyond their sphere of self benefit. They were not pleasant company for me and at times things got quite tense. I’m not paying for them, for anything, ever again.

    • KG says:

      They’re simply parasites on the achievements of those who went before them.
      Achievements by people they’re largely unaware of and who they would probably hold in contempt anyway.
      What happens when the great gifts they’ve been given by their predecessors begin to wear out? Most of them don’t have the wit to fix a leaking tap.
      and while I’m here…
      Sovereignty? pfft.

      • Darin says:

        Yes,those of us that actually keep our nations running,that is,keep the lights on,keep water at the tap and food on te shelves are getting old rapidly.
        There are none coming along to replace us.This will be how civilization dies,when the faucet runs dry,the lights go out and the shelves of the local store are empty.

        • KG says:

          So sad – and so bloody unnecessary.
          If a fraction of the money spent on invaders’ welfare were to be spent encouraging larger familes by lower taxes and the provision of reasonably priced housing and medical care, there’d be no excuse for the importation of the primitives.
          But falling birthrates are just the excuse for what’s happening. Globalism and the destruction of our cultures is the true aim because a proud, cohesive culture is the enemy of totalitarianism.