Lots of “Crisis” about and all of it Engineered

A good read-

Frontpage Mag-

From the essay:”The Founders limited presidential power for good reasons. History and their own experience with George III had taught them that “power is of an encroaching nature,” and that no man no matter now virtuous or noble, is beyond corruption by power. That’s what made Washington’s resignation of his commission after the Revolutionary War, and his refusal to run for a third presidential term, so remarkable and unprecedented. As George III himself said when told Washington would resign his commission, “If he does that he will be the greatest man in the world!”

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11 Responses to Lots of “Crisis” about and all of it Engineered

  1. KG says:

    The good thing about this is that people are beginning to experience “crisis fatigue” and take less notice of the bastards.

  2. KG says:

    pardon me while I throw up. This shit passes for news in NZ:

  3. KG says:

    Food allergies are very much a modern phenomenon. According to the non-profit group, FAIR Health, allergic reactions to food have increased five times over the last decade, up 377% from 2007—2016.
    Forgive my cynicism, but food allergies are very much in vogue. If you aren’t gluten-free you’re a virtually prehistoric Cheddar man.
    You don’t meet many gluten-free kids in Syrian refugee camps, or kids with nut allergies displaced from Yemen. Funny, that.

    • Darin says:

      I think we are seeing two distinct groups of parents here.One set that over reacts to everything imprinting that same behavior on their children.And another group that could careless about their children’s well being.

      Both don’t bode well for the children or society as a whole.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

  4. KG says:

    “I’m proud to be African” Said the African
    “I’m proud to be Black” Said the Black person
    “I’m proud to be Indian” Said the Indian
    “I’m proud to be Chinese” Said the Chinese person
    “I’m proud to be Syrian” Said the Syrian
    “I’m proud to be English” Said the Racist