Open House 1/11/19

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52 Responses to Open House 1/11/19

  1. Darin says:

    PJW: More victims of cultural relativism-or stupid is as stupid does.

    No you lefty f–kwits,they are many,many countries that are in fact violent s–tholes and one would infact be stupid to travel there with anything less than a Marine Battalion.

    • KG says:

      hahahahahahaha! Dumb bastards. As for the “migrant” welcoming females.. serve ya right. Zero sympathy. Less than zero, in fact, because your stupidity has put many, many other people at risk. :evil:

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Exactly my thoughts when I saw this. Then the secondary realisation kicked in…Someone taught them this garbage and whoever it was should be forced to go try to find and rescue them (without military support).

  2. Darin says:

    Sargon interviews Candice Owens-

    “Blacks need to get off the ideological slave ship and think for themselves”

    “If you don’t like the wall,how do you feel about the front door on your house?”

    • Yokel says:

      There should have been a Johnny Cash song about the Coward of Broward. Maybe the last verse tells us that he was about to go to the Big House the following day.

  3. KG says:

    ‘84,000 yellow vests swarm France
    Tens of thousands of yellow vest protesters marched across France for a ninth straight weekend calling for President Macron’s resignation.’

  4. KG says:

    The thought police strike again:
    DNA pioneer James Watson has final honours stripped amid racism row

    The article carefully doen’t mention that he – and other researchers – have pointed out that Asians tend to score higher in IQ tests than Europeans….is that racism too?

    • mawm says:

      How fucked up the PC crowd are: can’t even accept a scientific fact about those that they, the real racists, are protecting from themselves. Evolution has stopped for people of African origin and they are not going to develop their mental capacity as long as excuses are made for their inability to match other races.

  5. KG says:

    The Occasional-Cortex idiot and her supporters:

    ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation’
    The seed of Millennial miseducation, which grew into the Tree of the Lack of Knowledge as activist educators substituted ideology for scholarship, is finally bearing its rotten fruit. According to one survey, one third of Millennials believe President George W. Bush killed more people than Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Over 40 percent of Millennials have never heard of Mao Zedong; another 40 percent and 30 percent, respectively, are unfamiliar with Vladimir Lenin and Che Guevara. Two-thirds of Millennials cannot identify Auschwitz, and 22 percent have never heard of the Holocaust, twice the percentage of American adults on average.

    • Darin says:

      She Guevara supposedly has a degree in business management and economics.How did she get it being so dumb?Factor in the Affimative action pass all she needed to do was bang her professor a couple times a semester and there you have it.

  6. KG says:

    ” all she needed to do was bang her professor a couple times a semester and there you have it.”
    :mrgreen: Yep.

  7. D.T. says:

    Now this is GOLD :
    Lets see how Pelosi squirms out of this one . Why does this old hag keep rolling her tongue around her dentures , it’s farken annoying .

  8. KG says:

    I’m calling bullshit on this “study”.

    How much screen time, and of what type? Who funded the study?
    Can’t have kids escaping from the Indoctrination Reservation, can we? Otherwise they might discover a need for actual teachers and – horrors – parents!

  9. Darin says:

    Jordan Peterson reading the foreword he wrote for the 50th anniversy printing of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago-

    About 45 minutes,but worth it

    • KG says:

      Oh, yes! Powerful stuff.
      ‘Envy, hate and the desire to destroy’

      100,oooooo+ dead, and still the left is peddling that shit.
      And I fear they’re succeeding. The lessons of history are meaningless to the uneducated, mis-educated and wilfully ignorant.

  10. Darin says:

    Sargon has a sit down with James Delingpole-

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    Can anyone here explain to me why Feminists object to women being feminine?

    • Darin says:

      It’s something they can’t be,so they don’t want anyone else to be either

    • Pascal says:

      Resentment drives all Leftist movements. And that’s why they try to get all to see themselves as victims.

      Adopting the wisdom offered by the 10th Commandment — COVET NOTHING — is a sure way to protect yourself and all those you love from falling for such toxic appeals.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Pascal, I think you are closest to the answer. Those who call themselves ‘Feminist’ resent the happiness feminine women have because they appreciate and understand the necessity of masculinity. The current attack on ‘Toxic Masculinity’ proves the point and envy poisons their perspective of the beauty of opposites balancing the natural order.

        • Pascal says:

          Darin and KG are correct also. My answer was an attempt to broaden Darin’s answer.

          I saw in your question an opportunity to explain what I see driving just about all radical behavior. It’s good you see it too as shown by your noticing the connection to the “toxic masculinity” canard.

          I am tempted to launch a rant now: The Progs who’ve taken over just about all our protective institutions (what remains of the ramparts protecting Western Civ.) rely on the radicals to demolish all that remains and to make fearful all those who know what normal looks like.

          And in that rant I’d make it clear to all who’d listen how the Prog goal is ever more clear. To advance that goal the general population has to ignore just about all ancient and hard-learned wisdom. Such as the warning never to covet.

          But I’m very worn out and I’ve said much of it all before anyway. I’ve got to leave it to younger men to pick up where I left off, then recognize what needs doing or suffer the consequences.

  12. Darin says:

    Gillette:The best an Incel can get-

    I haven’t shaved in two decades,I must really be toxic :lol:

  13. KG says:

    Mike Hosking: The high cost of being a winner

    Perhaps – just perhaps – it’s just beginning to get through the the perpetually aggrieved, to the whining delicate triggered snowflake ‘victims’..that excellence requires effort, dedication and pure grit.
    Just mouthing the pieties of the day won’t do the bloody job.

    • Darin says:

      And that’s just it,most team sports are in reality simulated warfare.And just like in war,hard work must be done and sacrifices must be made to achieve victory.Emotion must never have a place in the decision making.

  14. KG says:

    Huge NZ Herald headline:
    ‘Destructive President’: Magazine’s blunt call for Trump’s impeachment
    Writer Yoni Appelbaum argues that impeaching the President would be “the antidote to chaos”, accusing Trump of attacking “the very foundations of America’s constitutional democracy.”

    and the rest of it becomes even more vomitous, a tissue of lies, exaggerations and plain ‘ol illogical assertions.