Duty of Care?

More like outright suppression of free speech and persecution of anyone who dare dissent-


UK to unleash internet safety Czar on Google,Facebook,Twitter-

The UK government is taking a hard line when it comes to online safety, moving to establish what it says is the world’s first independent regulator to keep social media companies in check.

Companies that fail to live up to requirements will face huge fines, and senior directors who are proven to have been negligent will be held personally liable. They may also find access to their sites blocked.

The new measures, designed to make the internet a safer place, were announced jointly by the Home Office and Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The introduction of the regulator is the central recommendation of a highly anticipated government white paper, titled Online Harms, published early Monday in the UK.

If it’s put in place and operated by the government,then it is anything but independent.

The UK government is trying to decide whether to appoint an existing regulator to the job or to create a brand-new regulator purely for this purpose. Initially the position will be funded by the tech industry, and the government is debating a levy for social media companies.

Of course they will want another new regulator and all the trimmings that go with it.Government always begets more government.

And if you want to know who will be really paying for it,just look in the mirror.

“For too long these companies have not done enough to protect users, especially children and young people, from harmful content,” said Prime Minister Theresa May in a statement. “We have listened to campaigners and parents, and are putting a legal duty of care on internet companies to keep people safe.”

Enough of the “good cop/bad cop” bullshit.Everyone with half a brain knows that big tech and governments around the world have worked hand in glove to censor and restrict free speech.This is simply a tightening of thier grip.

The truth is people like Theresa Jong Un have lusted after the power to control every aspect of the public/private sphere and they see this new form of censorship as thier shiney new toy.

Afterall,if they have control over what ordinary citizens can say or do online,then odds are they won’t have to be bothered by such pesky problems as Brexit in the future,the will of the people be dammed.

So now freedom is murdered quietly in the night,while the Ghosts of Stalin and Goebbels  cheer from the bleachers.

Our “leaders” are nothing but a pack of mentally derranged control freaks that would put Hitler to shame.I for one hope they all die screaming  




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11 Responses to Duty of Care?

  1. KG says:

    Fucking safety when the police turn a blind eye to thousands of girls (and young boys, let’s not forget) being raped by imported savages, when successive governments have colonised the place with primitives implacably hostile to the host culture, knowing they cannot be properly screened or assimilated?

    When the security services are overwhelmed, trying to monitor literally hundreds of jihadis and potential domestic bombers?

    But don’t you dare use the term sand nigger or camelhumper on social media, even in jest. Or read what your masters deem “inappropriate” – yer feet won’t touch the ground as you’re dragged off to jail.
    Time to burn it down. All of it.

  2. Yokel says:

    And as for impartial implementation and enforcement, don’t hold your breath. The religion of peace(tm) will get a free pass, and Christians hammered at every opportunity.

    Plus ca change …

    And once brought into force, look for the end of legal VPNs, and round 2 (or is it 3?) of the Crypto Wars as backdoors (for GCHQ only!) are mandated.

  3. KG says:

    Kiwis..terrified of free speech. It might upset their worldview, which is based on what the leftist lying media in NZ feeds them. ‘Groupthink’ is not just an expression in this country. The baying twittermob can always be relied on to give the impression of general outrage.

  4. KG says:

    It’s only seven minutes and well worth watching to the end.
    Paul Weston – Leftist Pygmies Take Down Roger Scruton
