Notre Dame Cathedral Gone

Daily Mail-

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27 Responses to Notre Dame Cathedral Gone

  1. KG says:

    What an effing tragedy. And I don’t buy for one moment the instant response of “started by renovation works”. I think they’re lying bastards.
    Why wouldn’t there have been automatic firefighting gear installed at one of the West’s greatest architectural and cultural icons, even as a temporary emergency measure????

    • the conservative says:

      KG, I agree with that 100%; given the recent spate of attacks on Catholic churches (including fires) in France and the history of radical Islam, you would have to be stupid not to ask that question

  2. D.T. says:

    Just wait for the mosque to be built over the remains because that’s what (p)islam does .
    The Frogs will lie and lie about it and the truth will never be known .


  3. RossN says:

    Safety manager talking about the Notre Dame fire –

    “I’m a construction safety manager on billion dollar projects. The fire would be impossible if safety precautions are followed. There is a dedicated fire watch person who monitors the area after welding etc.If it was neglect, they already have the name of the guilty party. If it was arson, they don’t.”

  4. Andy5759 says:

    One shot started WWI. We have sat in our armchairs and witnessed a thousand and more shots. How many more before we realise that we are in a war? People, ordinary people scratching a living out of life are beset on all sides. Enough! I cry. Now, where’s me bottle opener? Tomorrow we’ll get organised. That doesn’t matter, yesterday was too late. They killed God years ago.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Where were the night watchmen and permanent on-site fire-safety officers? What would a cultural treasure be left unguarded at all times?

    Oh well, they’ll just have to rebuild and move forward.

  6. Urban Redneck says:

    C’mon guys. You can’t be suggesting muzzies are behind this?

    They Are Us (apparently)

  7. Yokel says:

    It appears that Macron had ordered that 50% of the workforce be “culture enrichers”. GoV, I think.

  8. KG says:

    Map of attacks on French churches and shrines last two years..

    Attack on 10 Christian Churches in one week

    It’s almost as if the barbarians have invaded. Oh, hang on……

    Migrant Faces Trial for Vandalizing Historic Church with Tombs of French Kings

    Perhaps it’s just my white nationalist xenophobia, but Wabbit is beginning to sense a pattern here..

  9. Pascal says:

    As if in answer to Wabbit, Porretto hasn’t forgotten the more overt threats. A Just War.

    Are nine tenths of the Muslims who attend some particular mosque innocent of personal misdeeds? Irrelevant, just as Brigitte Gabriel said in the video I embedded yesterday. They are enablers and supporters of our more active enemies, whether voluntary or coerced. It’s like dealing with a pest species; the best way to clean it out is to destroy its habitat: the environmental conditions that support its flourishing. Supposedly innocent and peaceable Muslims are the jihadist’s habitat, and must be routed out of the country.

    Yes, it’s a harsh prescription from start to finish. I don’t like it much, but it’s being forced upon us. Feel free to suggest another.

    Deus vult [“God wills it” in Crusader days].

    He also calls out the Left who move among liberals as jihadis move among the 90% of quiescent muslim, but notes that dealing with them will be far more difficult and he’s counting on their natural cowardice to stifle them during the war.

    Myself, I’d call out the Progs controlling the GOPe, and warn them of a technology almost ready that will feedback upon them when their lust for power trips a “circuit breaker” at a setting unknown until they get zapped. They won’t know what hit them and the most significant source of our current troubles will be solved.

  10. KG says:

    ‘The Threat to Notre Dame
    Monday’s fire was bad enough; the restoration could be worse.’

    President Macron’s speech to the French nation about the fire that destroyed so much of Notre Dame contained a terrible threat: he said that the cathedral would be rebuilt, to be even more beautiful than before. This might seem an innocuous, even laudable aim, but the announcement of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe that a competition would be held to design “a spire suited to the techniques and challenges of our time” should send a chill down the spine of anyone familiar with the efforts of modern architects in Paris, the effects of which can be seen all around the city.
    Theodore Dalrymple

    • Pascal says:

      I saw someone somewhere refer to him as micron. If enough people adopt it from now on it may hasten his ouster, increasing the chances the nickname describes the real damage from his term in office.