Call it what it is-Child Abuse

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10 Responses to Call it what it is-Child Abuse

  1. Pascal says:

    How did you find this Darin? It’s mighty powerful. The only thing missing is the conclusion that the reason that powers that be have encouraged the abuses is that the Progressive movement has always wished to see large scale neutralization of population growth. The Progs met resistance when they tried forced sterilization, so they switched modes from coercion to persuasion, where they shout down and deplatform counter-arguments so that only their side could be heard.

    And today they have sneakily gone back to coercion by writing legislation that FORBIDS treatment for gender dysphoria such as former California governor Brown (!@#$%&) signed into law just before his term was up last year.

    Death cult members in the ruling class, my friends, are waging war on you and your posterity.

    • Darin says:

      I stumbled across it in the Youtube sidebar while watching a sit down between Jordan Peterson and Milo(which is getting pretty interesting too)

      This video is part of a series by a panel put together by the Heritage Foundation-

      And yes,this is partly about depopulation,but I believe more precisely about backdoor eugenics.Like Tommy Sotomayor says,it’s no accident that the majority of abortion clinics are located in black neighorhoods.

  2. mawm says:

    He speaks well and his story is that of many many others. He aught to as he is making his name as an author and public speaker. All kids are so susceptible to suggestion, and these are kids that have been mentally abused by an adult.

    To paraphrase Shakespeare – “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the psychologists”. There are just so many of them who think they know best about so many subjects, when in fact they are pretty ignorant. They are usually just parroting ideas that are popular amongst their peers. Their “studies” generally are just a handful of people from a selected population filling in a questionnaire with obtuse questions from which they extrapolate unbelievable positions. Mumbo-jumbo!

      • Darin says:

        It gets even worse if you live in a country where the profession has been influenced by the likes of Alfred Kinsey.

    • Rick says:

      I have evidence which concurs with what mawm says. Mt step-daughter was told the sampling to support her thesis for her doctorate in Psychology was too large. The subject was – speaking in general – perceptions of schizophrenia across varying segments of the population. Her sample was less than 1,300 persons at random. For a PhD!

      Also, she was told that her questionnaire offered too many possible answers, that five should be reduced to 3 or four. (The selections were Always true, Somewhat true, No response, Somewhat false, Always false.)

      I can also say with complete surety that she was as messed-up as any other Psych I have known. The damage in her was done before I came on the scene so no wisecracks.


  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    This is why any parent that raises their child as ‘gender neutral’ should be bitch slapped until their two brain cells finally cooperate to make a single coherent thought. Any adult that pushed gender transitioning on a child should be horse whipped and spayed to prevent them from inflicting their disease on a child of their own.

    • Rick says:

      Michael, you are too kind. I think that anyone who even thought that such perversity should come into existence should be eliminated utterly. I’ll concede to an alternative which features a life-time prohibition of any form of contact with any other human. No one but the wicked wants a Dr. Moreau in society. Let’s take out the trash.


    • Darin says:

      I think the rise in this so called “trans-movement” is the result of bored,overactive parents that have nothing to do but constantly meddle in thier kids lives.They just can’t leave them be and allow them to work things out on thier own,which as one of the other panelists asserts 90+% of child gender dysphoria resolves itself at puberty.

    • Amen to what Michael said.