“communicate the urgency of the climate crisis”

In other words-Lying his arse off-

Australian government pays Al Gore $320k to conduct climate training as rare snowfall hits

Jo Nova via Climate Depot-

“Al Gore is here in Australia to train 1,000 useful idiots on Unscience, neolithic reasoning and witchcraft. The man with no climate science expertise and huge vested interest is being paid by taxpayers to train people to chant “consensus” and pretend that wind and solar can stop storms and hold back the tide. These obedient fools help to destroy any conversation about science by reciting anti-science bumperstickers like “the science is settled”, “gravity is real” and “tobacco, tobacco, tobacco”. Because, hey, the tobacco industry funded merchants of doubt, and they were wrong, so therefore Ergo Prompter Upchuck, all government scientists are right on Everything, All Of The Time, and you are an idiot denier.”

See also:-  https://www.newstarget.com/2019-02-18-sea-level-data-altered-by-scientists-to-create-false-impression-of-rising-oceans.html

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12 Responses to “communicate the urgency of the climate crisis”

  1. Brown says:

    Meanwhile I’m getting firewood in because it’s cold. Fortunately wife’s acre has about 10 years of firewood growing on it and the sycamore trees grow faster and self sow. RentalRental property has another 3 years just felled that I need to get moved home.

    • Darin says:

      If next winter is a cold one here,things could get interesting given the massive damage in the farm belt.Quite a few farms have been wiped out by the flooding and many more have given up planting this year because the ground was too cold and too wet,too late.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Gotta hand it to the Goracle, he always brings cold miserable weather whenever he goes somewhere to talk about Global Warming.

    • Darin says:

      Every time there is a global warming confrence it snows or there is an ice storm.

      It makes me wonder if their event planning is some form of twisted ironic comedy http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_mail.gif

  3. mawm says:

    Alan Jones on the Global warming hypocrite Al Gore…


    One just have to love the way Aussies do it! http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    So there we have it, another ‘adjustment’ to data to give a result which will financially benefit the alarmists. Gotta keep those research grants coming. Heaven forbid we find that our field of expertise is ‘meh’.

  5. mawm says:

    If you are interested in the science of “global warming” you might find this interesting. It’s a very easy read.

    Falsifying climate alarm


  6. Cadwallader says:

    It amazes me that there are still adherents to the ridiculous notion that humans are, and have, altered the climate. I was gratified to see last week a further NZ District Council (Waimate) has rejected the “climate emergency” garbage. That district would comprise largely farmers who engage more routinely with the climate and its effects than idiotic school children and city-based latter scoffers.

  7. paul scott says:

    As the false climate religion reaches hysterical proportions , it spells that reality is close.
    But it will take more than a generation for these utterly mad people to find an alternative religion to punish us with.

    • Darin says:

      And the hysterics can’t even agree on a date when the world will end.AOC says 12 years,the UN says by 2050 and some other clown car claims 14-1/2 years till the end http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

      What worries me is that the people pushing this stuff are the type that MUST be right and will probably figure a way to make thier predictions come true.