Caught in the Act

Project Veritas confirms what we already knew,big tech is in the tank for the left and pulling out all the stops to oppose Trump-


“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

“Gennai also declared that no amount of soft pressure from Congress or the White House will make Google change its ways. In other words, talk won’t help — if politicians want to change Google’s behavior, they’ll have to go beyond committee hearings and actually change the law.”

I say go for,lets break Google to pieces and end their monoply before they end the country.

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9 Responses to Caught in the Act

  1. Contempt says:

    Events are blooming so fast around here in South Carolina that it keeps me twirling around. All I can say is rock on Trump got your back🇺🇸 Y’all be good.

  2. Brown says:

    Its nice to see a leftie trapped into the truth for a change.

  3. simpleton1 says:

    They can not help themselves spouting off despite all the evidence of trying to control “free speech” The CNN reporter’s claim that there’s no bias against conservatives was made in the same week that YouTube literally banned a video that showcased a Google executive admitting how the company is working to “prevent it (Donald Trump’s election) from happening again” in 2020. ….

    …. Yesterday, Reddit also quarantined The Donald subreddit, the most effective pro-Trump forum on the Internet. …. The systems are working at controlling the message.
    Might have to push free speech through the “Russian Bot System” 🙂

    • simpleton1 says:

      Messed up blockquotes.
      Very first sentence and very last sentence are mine.
      Good night for now.

  4. simpleton1 says:

    A good article on this issue.

    Protecting freedom of speech does not abandon conservative principles, it secures them.
    There are no conservative principles without freedom of speech.
    A free market nation without freedom of speech isn’t a conservative country.
    It’s an oligarchy.
    That’s the state of affairs on the internet.

    Conservatives should beware of blindly enlisting in leftist efforts to take regulatory control of companies like Facebook.
    The result would be a deeper and more pervasive form of censorship than exists today.
    But neither should they imagine that the ‘free market side of history’ will automatically fix the problem.

    Also interesting comments that arise from this article.

  5. simpleton1 says:

    Another good article by Daniel Greenfield. We need to know the issues and background on just what we are fighting to be effective in safeguarding free speech.

    The latest crackdown by Google’s YouTube is typical of the use of non-transparent policies that are selectively applied and whose rationale represents structural discrimination against conservatives.

    The new segregation masquerades as desegregation. Its implementation is segregating millions.

    The Civil Rights Act and its various federal and state stepchildren created many protected classes and identities. Those identities were then weaponized for political activism. This created a system in which the very infrastructure of anti-discrimination law and policy were used to discriminate against conservatives when debating leftists who, unlike them, were not members of a protected class.

    The disparate impact of this selectivity of protected classes is shutting down the First Amendment.

    And as the article helps to explain more of the situation, so do some of the commentators.
    Certainly some head scratching to be done, but support in a major way, where we can “free speech”

  6. simpleton1 says:

    One of the few fighting to maintain “free speech”

    Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) brilliantly grilled Derek Slater, Google Global Director of Information Policy, over revelations from a Project Veritas video of political bias at Google.
    Crenshaw’s questioning included his anger that according to the Project Veritas video, Google had referred to Daily Wire Editor-in Chief Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager as Nazis.
    Crenshaw snapped, “What kind of education do people at Google have so that they think that religious Jews are Nazis?
    Three of these people had family members killed in the Holocaust, Ben Shapiro is the number one target of the alt-right.
    And yet you people operate off the premise that he’s a Nazi.”

    [Senator Crenshaw] If we don’t share the values of free speech, I’m not sure where we go from here.
    You know, this practice of silencing millions and millions of people, it will create wounds and divisions in this country that we cannot heal from.
    This is extremely worrisome.
    You’ve created amazing platforms. We can do amazing things with what these companies have created, but if we continue down this path, it’ll tear us apart. You do not have a constitutional obligation to enforce the First Amendment, but I would say that you absolutely have an obligation to enforce American values, and the First Amendment is an underpinning of American values that we should be protecting until the day we die.

    Worth a read of that article.