Open House 6/28/19

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42 Responses to Open House 6/28/19

  1. Darin says:

    A fascinating read-

    It’s Solar oscillations,not greenhouse gases and cow farts driving climate change here on Earth.

    • Pascal says:

      The other side has steeped their case with religious fervor and concomitant threats of excommunication for unbelievers and apostates. Even were they to hear me and understand they have many reasons to resist and work to distance themselves from me. They had to be de-balled first before that indoctrination could take such hold. With what do I have to reassure them that I can protect them? When reason and reality fail, at best what remains sounds like more religion.

      Trying to come up with a solution to that dilemma is why we keep posting about the reality, but it is clearly not enough. Suggestions?

      • Darin says:

        It’s a difficult choice,do we play it safe and go along with the herd?Or do what Heritics have always done and become martyrs for the good of Science?

        I see us in the same position as Galileo,persecuted….but in the end right.I’m lucky in that my employer has a burning hatred for the climate cult charlatans since he was there in the beginning when all this nonsense first got a foothold.

        Neither he,nor I either one pull any punches when dealing with our clients,regardless of how much money they throw our way and that includes NOAA.
        Oddly enough,very few of the rank and file NOAA employees have any belief in “climate change aka AGW” probably because they have seen behind the curtain.

  2. Darin says:

    What do-
    Tax increases.
    Gun confiscations.
    Slave reparations
    Decriminalize illegal immigration.
    No more deporting of illegal immigrants.
    Abolish the private health insurance currently held by over 150 million Americans.
    Give free health insurance to illegal immigrants.

    All have in common?Are they topics up on Huffpo or someother far left rag?

    Nope,those are campaign promises made by the 20 odd dems running for president :roll:

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Remember how Trump was a ‘War Monger’ for ordering air strikes in Somalia? Seems the fear of getting blown to bits has encouraged some of the targets to start fighting each other and others to covertly start talking peace treaty.

  4. Darin says:

    Now that is a rain storm :shock:

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    You would think Acosta would have learned by now.

  6. Grog says:

    It appears that some ISP companies are starting to censor the news on the web. I looked at Gateway Pundit, Big League Politics and The American Mirror this morning, and got “502 bad gateway” message for all three. All News Pipeline, Zero Hedge and Drudge Report took over 10 seconds to open, so I closed those pages without seeing any stories.

    Sultan Knish and WRSA open right away, and obviously I’m posting this, so it’s not my computer.

    • Darin says:

      Hmmm…also Mike Pence returned to DC for some emergency and Putin called an emergency summit in the Kremlin.

      Wonder if there is a connection there?

  7. Pascal says:

    AOC may be the most well-known rodeo clown (draw attention of bulls away from those who ride them) elevated to celeb status by both the Left and Right. The downside is that there are even more stupid voters who think she’s brilliant, not for achieving celeb status, but because she “informed” them as no other dares.

    Now along comes what was a nobody Dem who is now known for saying what could have been said by AOC.

    Playing stupid garners media attention. Expect to see more of this as Idiocracy becomes more and more non-fiction.