Is A Major Change About To Happen?

Lost in translation via our corrupt western media.What the DRPK propoganda machine is really saying about Trump’s impromptu visit-

Translated North Korean Broadcast Even More Optimistic and Respectful Than Initial Review…

“The actual message conveyed to the citizens of North Korea is one of united celebration and magnanimous respect for Chairman Kim and President Trump.  The broadcast specifically cites “wisdom”, “respect” and praise for the “incredible courage” of President Donald J Trump.  Exactly the opposite message predicted by the DC naysayers.”

It’s important to remember,that western media by and large was completely wrong about the potential for success of Reagan’s diplomatic efforts with the former USSR.

Is it possible that things can change without colapase or massive bloodshed?

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6 Responses to Is A Major Change About To Happen?

  1. Pascal says:

    I certainly pray so Darin.

    But don’t celebrate quite yet. When the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, it relieved their fellow travelers in the West the burden of pretending not to be Reds and began to build their own version of the Kremlin.

    So let’s say we develop a rapproachement with the Norks. It seems that already our Reds have warmed to taking the kid-gloves off as they pretend to be anti-fascist like their thugs, with a number of Democrats ready to go beyond persecution (such as that baker and miniAOC) and prosecute anyone who obstructs them and their agenda, even for just ridiculing members of this self-asserting aristocracy.

    If the parallel I just painted comes to fruition, as the nightmares in North Korea subside there is no limit what measures the global Progs might do to eliminate us “inconsiderate” peons.

    Now if we could only get Hillary to reconsider her “deplorables” label for us and get her to admit she was thinking “inconsiderate peons” we may even get significant recruits from the gatecrashers. They just fled from their despots (or in some cases driven here by them.)

    • Darin says:

      Difference between NDork communists and American Progs?

      The NDorks we can talk peace,the progs will require a kenetic solution.I believe that American progs and thier European counterparts are beyond redemption.

      • Pascal says:

        Beyond redemption means nothing to them. So I’ll lay it out for these effers.

        Because you view as ignorant and throwbacks to JudeoChristian ethics all who promote live and let live, you are extremely dangerous because most of you are either in major governments or garner immense influence on just about every government.

        We hear every major Western Prog proclaim that [Human Caused] Climate Change is the world’s greatest threat, so only idiots do not understand that this mad religious belief of yours is aiming to see billions of corpses. As with Pagan priests of old, it is not your loved ones you are sending to the furnaces.

        Your twisted belief is that you are killing mankind to save mankind. But the reality is that you are damned because you envy God’s ability to create life so much that you would try to kill huge numbers of His highest creation simply because KILL is all you know how to do.

        I pray decent men everywhere comprehend why I know that “beyond redemption” means nothing to maniacs who are this envious of even the concept of The Creator whether they believe in Him or not.

        This envy explains why, besides killing mankind, they aim to eliminate any words that provide mankind the ability to have faith that there is a Higher Authority to Whom they may turn to for strength.

        For their “boot stomping on a human face forever” decent men still have faith there is a bigger boot.

  2. powderburns says:

    What if the failing media view war as a revenue earner. Like a drowning man they lash out. What if the remorseless news cycle needs bombs and blood to generate revenue. What if all this time, it was the media deliberately pushing war upon the people to sell papers, pay their journalists and owners.

    I see the awful baying for Trump to fail in his attempt to end a 60 year old war North Korea as broaching evil.

    When he opens up North Korea, and gets elected again, the treasonous media shills will still not see what went wrong, and that is concerning.

    • Darin says:

      Remember Don Henley’s song Dirty Laundry?

      I make my living off the evening news
      Just give me something
      Something I can use
      People love it when you lose
      They love dirty laundry

      Well, I coulda been an actor
      But I wound up here
      I just have to look good
      I don’t have to be clear
      Come and whisper in my ear
      Give us dirty laundry

      We got the bubble headed
      Bleached blonde
      Comes on at five
      She can tell you ’bout the plane crash
      With a gleam in her eye
      It’s interesting when people die
      Give us dirty laundry

      Can we film the operation
      Is the head dead yet
      You know the boys in the newsroom
      Got a running bet
      Get the widow on the set
      We need dirty laundry

      You don’t really need to find out
      What’s going on
      You don’t really want to know
      Just how far it’s gone
      Just leave well enough alone
      Eat your dirty laundry

      Dirty little secrets
      Dirty little lies
      We got our dirty little fingers
      In everybody’s pie
      We love to cut you down to size
      We love dirty laundry

      We can do the Innuendo
      We can dance and sing
      When it’s said and done
      We haven’t told you a thing
      We all know that Kraft is King
      Give us dirty laundry

      • Powderburns says:

        Looked it up on bitchute,

        I remember dad used to listen to that. Lyrics are darker and don’t match the bouncy music. I’ve got Nietzsches tarantula in mind.

        Their most secret ambition is to be a tyrant
        Out of all their complaints wreaks revenge
        The hangman and the bloodhound look out of their faces. Mistrust all of these type for they are of a low stock….
        These poisonous spiders sit in their holes
        They speak in favour of life,
        but only because they love death.
        And dream of power