Open House 7/13/19

Power outage in Mid-Town Manhattan-

NY Post-

US Ambassador to Germany is “confrontational,abrasive and straightforward” In other words he’s exactly what we need.


Most over blown storm this year,Tropical storm Barry. MSM headlines-

“Tourists flee tropical storm Barry”

“Winds from tropical storm Barry lashing the Louisiana cost”

So far,the weather is less violent than the average summer thunderstorm,yawn!


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30 Responses to Open House 7/13/19

  1. K2 says:

    Expect every hiccup in weather to be blown into Katrina 2.

  2. Nemesis says:

    If Folks wish to understand what is happening with our weather – and it is going crazy all across the planet – then I can suggest a good site to visit – Adapt 2030 – by David Dubyne on Youtube, see it while it still remains uncensored.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,it’s happening I do believe.We’re dealing with Tropical Storm Barry rightnow,that it’s happening isn’t anything unusual.

      What is different is this rain is cold,every TS and Hurricane I can remember since childhood the rain was always warm.

      Some interesting reading-

      • Nemesis says:

        I didn’t read read all of that link for fear of going cross eyed, LOL.

        I’m no Climate Scientist, but the conclusion of their finding in that article, is pretty much what I have come to understand about how our Sun is influenced by many things outside of what the ‘mainstream’ Climate scientists are spruiking to the gullible.

        Your mentioning of warm rain and Hurricanes brought back memories of my time (1974/75) spent up in Darwin after that city was completely destroyed by Cyclone Tracy on Christmas Day, 1974. I was in the army at the time and was sent up there in Battalion strength (1000 plus troops) to assist in restoring order and begin the massive clean up. October to March is generally what is referred to as the ‘wet season’ in Australia’s tropical north and Darwin gets regularly hammered by the Monsoon.

        One can almost set their clock to regular afternoon storms at about 1600 (4PM) up north during the ‘wet’, including massive lightning strikes, big winds and lots of rain. As you mentioned, the rain was warm, but, I can remember on other times, the rain was very cold to the point that anyone standing out in it began to shiver.

        Thanks for that link.

  3. Darin says:

    DC end illegal immigration?Not a chance,they are making too much money off it and so are “christian” charities-

  4. mawm says:

    This needs to be enlarged and stuck on the front page of every broadsheet!

  5. Michael in Nelson says:
  6. mawm says:

    Another one joins the big band in the sky. As a scatterling of Africa I must pay tribute to le Zoulou blanc Johhny Clegg.

    That dancing is incredibly difficult!

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    He’s right, most whites don’t give a damn anymore. Many whites never did.

    • mawm says:

      It’s because their accusations echo the falsitude of their mantra. True racism is what happened in the Belgian Congo.

  8. Pascal says:

    Although I find this over long due to repetitive clips in it, the subject matter — USAF engagement in war games while 911 took place — this is something KG would have been all over had one of us found it sooner.

    Just watch it and let’s hear your opinions.

    If the record has not been tampered with, I find a suspicious lowpoint in the doubletalk by 911 commissioner richard ben veniste around 42:30. It could be used as a symbol of the commission’s lack of seriousness. He answers a request to clarify his question first with a Yes and then a No, and without an “excuse me I misspoke.” Let’s assume the best of intentions for the man — and conclude that he was a dullard and the person who picked him for that role was too.

    But, of course, the entire point of this video is to pass along evidence that implicates big players with bad intentions. In the current world that informs us of blackmail being employed to gain compliance from those in high seats, the plausibility of Corbett’s conclusion has greatly increased.

    • Nemesis says:

      In the past, ‘False Flag’ events have been difficult to prove the intention behind the action due largely to a lack of compelling evidence to back up what little evidence had already been gathered up.

      Theory, hearsay and circumstantial evidence, do not make for a watertight case implicating a ‘False Flag’ event.

      However, in an event such as 9/11 that can be challenged on the narrative presented for that event, due to so many inconsistencies within the narrative that rejects video and eye witness evidence, and is an action that has brought down two earthquake resistant buildings, and another building (Building Seven) not directly related to the action against those two buildings, but nevertheless, collapsed in the same manner, and supposedly from an internal fire that could have easily been extinguished, there becomes exposed through expert engineers involved in the design and the construction of earthquake resistant buildings, many contradictions against the accepted and promoted (Govt/MSM) narrative.

      Here are just three of those contradictions:

      Contradiction 1 – It has been demonstrated repeatedly that aviation fuel or the material lit from an explosion of such fuel, such as furnishings etc, will not attain the heat hot enough to melt steel, especially the steel used in the Twin Towers.

      Contradiction 2 – The Twin Towers were erected to not only withstand earthquake damage, but also the impact of any aircraft flying into them, based on a 1942(?) incident that saw a B25 Mitchell Bomber lost in fog, slam into the Empire State Building, causing significant damage but not bringing down the whole building. After that incident, building codes were changed to reflect on such future possibilities.

      Contradiction 3 – It can be demonstrated convincingly that when the upper floors of the Twin Towers began collapsing (video evidence of charges going off to bring that about) supposedly due to the damage and resultant fire, the lower floors should not have been affected as the buildings were strong enough to withstand such a collapse – hence the explosions which are so obvious in many videos of the event – but rejected out of hand as being of insufficient value.

      The gatekeepers and perpetrators of the 9/11 False Flag event, have been put on notice by the Trump administration.

      • Darin says:

        It’s a case of who built the Pyramids-many people see something like the Great Pyramid of Giza.They look at it on the surface,but never study it in detail.They don’t know how something so big could be built.They don’t know how to cut or move stone.They don’t know how to coordinate large groups of people to accomplish a task of that size……so Aliens must have built it.

        • Nemesis says:

          I would put forward that from all of the available evidence concerning the history of Egypt – it was not the Egyptians who built the sphinx or the pyramids.

          It can be shown that both kinds of structures are way older than the Egyptians themselves. Perhaps by ten thousand years.

          The Egyptians were meticulous in recording their own history and nowhere is it recorded that it was them who built such mighty structures. Structures that were not meant to be for tombs as the establishment would have us all believe.

  9. Michael in Nelson says:
  10. Darin says:

    As I remember,the morning of the attack there were north of 4000 aircraft in the air over North American airspace.When the first plane was hijacked,information started to trickle in and shortly there after the first plane hit the towers.
    Given that on a perfectly normal day,when there is no war gaming going on,ATC over most US hubs is organized chaos,when an incident of that magnitude occurs,you can bet that mass bedlam would ensue.
    The fact is there is no way for ATC,or anyone else for that matter,to know who is flying a given plane and what their intentions are.So when the first attack was confirmed,the first thing ATC did was start sorting out the planes by process of elimination.That meant contacting each flight and routing them away from the area.
    Could there have been government involvement?Possibly,but not likely.It’s hard enough to keep a secret about minor operations that very few people know about,let alone one where possibly thousands would have had the info.

    Add to that what a few determined individuals can accomplish with little training,but a little smarts. Atta was no dumb goat humper from out of the mail order jihadi catalog.He had attended engineering school in German,he knew exactly were to hit a building like the WTC.He knew that a plane with a full fuel load would do the most damage and he knew that hitting the second tower sometime after the first would mean debris raining down on the street below on top of the first responders.
    As an old engineer once told me about solving problems based on the evidence-“if you see hoof prints in the mud,think Horse before you think Zebra.Sometimes the correct answer is the simplest one.
    Given that even now there are massive vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure all over this country that could be simply and cheaply effected by a very small number of individuals, I really don’t doubt that Atta and his gang did exactly what we think they did.
    Just look what one pissed off,possibly crazy man and 9 gallons of gasoline did-

    • Nemesis says:

      And sometimes, it is much simpler to accept what one may be told rather than delve into what really occurred?

      • Darin says:

        Yes,that’s why I am a skeptic and don’t believe a theory until I see proof.
        What I saw with my own eyes on the day the attack occurred is not in doubt. The conspiracy theories fall apart when they ignore the physical evidence and the science behind it.
        I suspect the producers of that video are politically biased,since all of the people asking the questions are democrats and at the time they were if full “Gore should have won,so let’s get Bush mode”

        • Pascal says:

          Political bias? Yes. Corbett is anti-globalist to the point of anarchy because of how badly corrupted are all institutions on Earth.

          I forced myself to watch this video several times because I got bored with the repetition and got distracted — and it played on — so I had to go back. Hence my first warning.

          My second warning was how my skepticism shows up: when I began the first paragraph under the video “If the record has not been tampered with…”

          There was new material here. The radar being filled with false war game blips; the generals denying the war games impacted readiness; the recordings of ATC showing precisely the opposite; the orders to remove artificial blips having been ignored for hours.

          Look, I sympathize with you if you couldn’t bare to watch it all. But it presents new material of human failing and some butt covering, not the stuff of outlandish conspiracies that I consider distractions. But plausible contradictions between actions and testimony and in behavior of the commission.

          I can go back and ask about specific charges (new to me) that were presented and ask about them. But then this should be in a post of its own so we can thoroughly fisk the video.

          In a world with so much blackmail suddenly revealed, probably thanks to Trump, I think this makes the effort worth the time.

          • Darin says:

            Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity-

            Lets go back to the time,we just had been living through 8 years of Clinton corruption and incompetence.The military had been hollowed out by 8 years of “spending the peace dividend”and what wasn’t hollowed out was rendered inert by the installation of PC culture.There was plenty of blame to go around for the military,but then there usually is when they are caught out with their pants down.
            The government itself,being the bloated pig it is was the main problem.It was and still is staffed mostly by career chair polishers who’s main concern is building their pension and fighting for their seat in the hierarchy.
            That we have multiple,redundant agencies that were and are in competition with each other to the point they don’t share information is criminal.Bush at least tried to put them all under one roof and force them to work together.He failed,union pressure and a hostile congress saw to it that it didn’t happen and instead they added two new agencies to the pile.
            The only question raised by the video that intrigued me was the question of why the attacks at the same time as the drills?
            The answer to that one is simple-treasonous rats infesting the government.And I’m not talking about any globalist conspiracy.I’m talking about lax hiring practices and background checks. That was part of the Clinton admins legacy,they reduced the background check requirements for federal employees.As a result we have large numbers of foreign nationals working in the government and for it’s contractors.So my theory is one or more of those who were privy to the war games simply passed that information on and presto,we have an attack on the same day as the games are going on.
            I cannot prove this,but there is evidence that my theory has merit.Remember the Anwan scandal?


            How many more are there dug in like ticks?

            • Pascal says:

              You opened with Hanlon’s razor.

              Let me recommend Heinlein’s razor. It says the same thing but ends with “…but don’t overlook malice.” That’s sharper because it blunts the NEVER. ;)

            • Pascal says:

              That we have multiple,redundant agencies that were and are in competition with each other to the point they don’t share information is criminal.

              Then it is of the utmost importance to recall that it was Jamie Gorelick who made that ruling when she was working for Clinton. She was appointed to the 911 commission and that fact was never considered in their findings.

            • Pascal says:

              The only question raised by the video that intrigued me was the question of why the attacks at the same time as the drills?
              The answer to that one is simple-treasonous rats infesting the government.

              I agree entirely. That this too was overlooked by the commission is troubling. And obviously they could still be there along with new cohorts and may very well be involved with passing along info that has been used for blackmail. All that adds to the plausibility of what Corbett and other whistle blowers have been saying.

            • Pascal says:

              Oh, one more thing about Jamie Gorelick and RICO corrupt organizations. ;)

              From Wiki

                Even though she had no previous training nor experience in finance, Gorelick was appointed Vice Chairman of Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) from 1997 to 2003. She served alongside former Clinton Administration official Franklin Raines.[9] During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal.[10]

                On March 25, 2002, Business Week interviewed Gorelick about the health of Fannie Mae. Gorelick is quoted as saying, “We believe we are managed safely. We are very pleased that Moody’s gave us an A-minus in the area of bank financial strength – without a reference to the government in any way. Fannie Mae is among the handful of top-quality institutions.”[11] One year later, government regulators accused Fannie Mae of improper accounting “to the tune of $9 billion” in unrecorded losses.[12]

                In an additional scandal concerning falsified financial transactions that helped the company meet earnings targets for 1998, a “manipulation” that triggered multimillion-dollar bonuses for top executives,[13] Gorelick received $779,625.

                A 2006 report of an investigation by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight into Fannie Mae’s accounting practices and corporate governance revealed that from 1998 to 2002 Gorelick received a total of $26.5 million in income from Fannie Mae.[14]

              Let’s assume Darin that for the purposes of an open mind that her motives re 911 were pure. It is hard to imagine there could be a more corrupted individual subject to blackmail sitting on the 911 Commission given that the collapse of the Housing market was only a couple years away given her lying about FANNIEMAE’s safety for years.