Hong Kong Heating Up?

Are we set for another round of Tienanmen protests and government reprisals?Will the world just sit back and do nothing like last time?

Zero Hedge-

What should our response be if China does a bloody crackdown in Hong Kong?


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16 Responses to Hong Kong Heating Up?

  1. Yokel says:

    If Britain had a spine, or a military bigger than fits into Boris’ toybox when he’s called in for tea, Britain should hold the Chinese to the treaty that they signed when we left Hong Kong.

    Instead we’ll go over there and say “pretty please”. They’ll say “yes” and act “bog off”!

    • Darin says:

      Yes,it would be nice to have Britain in a position to offer serious consequences,but like you I don’t see it happening.No political spine and no Fleet to back it up.

      However *IF* and it’s a big if,the US,Britain,Canada and Australia could agree for just five minutes on a course of action.We could,with the stroke of a pen cripple China economically and never have to fire a shot.

  2. Nemesis says:

    There are reports that many Hong Kong residents are now fleeing to Taiwan as refugees.

    Trump has upped the military hardware to Taiwan into the billions of dollars. The Communists will not be able to do to Taiwan what they are now doing to Hong Kong.

    Since Trump’s tariffs, China has lost five million jobs, the country is being over run by Army worms the Chinese have no answer for, and that problem is having serious consequences with the loss of Chinese crops, and all this is occurring while the Chinese economy is tanking quickly.

    I wrote an article for a political party back in 2008 on the economic and military threat that China posed. Many chose to ridicule it.

    The United States is building up its military presence in Australia – around what we call the Top End – and for good reason because China has been eyeing this country off for decades as another future possession. The Chinese have a very long history of aggression toward their neighbors that has been largely hidden – deliberately of course.

    Many wonder why the animosity exists between China and Japan and is an age old enmity between both nations. It is interesting to note, that the Japanese word, Kamikaze – meaning Divine Wind – was termed during the 16th Century when a Chinese invasion fleet heading to Japan was wiped out by a typhoon.

    I have had countless ‘conversations’ with folk who still believe that Communist China is a friend. Some people will just never learn http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • Darin says:

      I don’t see China continuing forward as it is today.It is not a monolithic culture.What we know as modern China is a forced together mishmash of at least four distinct regional cultures.The totalitarian government is the only thing that has been keeping it together this long.
      Given the things you mention along with the fact they are reliant on the west,particularly the US,Canada and Australia for 50% of their food supply and for their energy needs close to 60% coming from imports.It won’t take much to upset the apple cart.
      The worrying part is the estimated $100-125Trillion in internal debit they hold,that,if they start to implode could trigger a global recession the likes of which we have never seen.

      • Brown says:

        That dependency on externals for so much reminds me of the Japanese position in the 1930’s that saw them attempt to expand into Asia to resolve the supply problem. China has done well to buy its way into other countries to control supply chains but when that no longer works I will not be surprised by overt aggression. I’m very fond of Hong Kong and admire the resistance on show there. I hope they survive as they are.

      • Nemesis says:

        Darin, what you add is correct. I would also add to your thoughts, that China is waiting out the 2020 U.S. election, just in case the Globalist/Deep State can pull a rabbit out of their rear end and depose Trump through ‘democratic’ means, so that China can then revert back to ripping off the American economy.

        One must also consider the geopolitical positioning of China by the Globalists – China, a peasant country – that was meant to absorb the entire West economically via manufacturing, and then militarily via treacherous and covert means.

        It is no longer happening.

        As for the American debt – a Federal Reserve problem – Trump is about to descend on the Fed and declare that Rothschild Central Bank null and void, and then revert back to the Gold Standard – expect a few hiccups on the way – but what we will all go back to will never give us Recessions or Depressions, ever again.

        And some are saying, that Trump may announce a Debt Jubilee.

        China is in a losing game, and I believe that Xi already knows this – hence the sabre rattling and muscle flexing on Hong Kong and Taiwan, and this stupidity just to divert the Chinese population on what is really happening within their own country.

        2016 was meant for Hilary, not Trump, and don’t the Chinese hate, but also, respect him!

        • Darin says:

          Yes,the Clintons were bought and paid for by the Chicoms ever since they left the governor’s mansion in Arkansas.Any of the advancements the Chinese have made in weapons technology were gained through technology given to them during the Clinton and Obama regimes.

    • mawm says:

      I’ve always said that China needs a base from which to attack the east coast of Aus, and to disrupt its shipping lanes. I guess that NZ is about as good as it gets. All the Chinese have to do is sail a few warships into the Hauraki Gulf and say “your country is now ours” and NZ will fold. We have no military to speak of……and we no longer have an ANZUS agreement. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • Nemesis says:

        Hey mawm, I hope you’re loaded up with ammo and other things – just in case!

        My own take on China is that it is ready to implode upon itself – the Commies can control when times are good, but when those good times turn to shit, look out!

  3. David Lenny says:

    I don’t trust China either, but when an entire paragraph of easily checked and well established historical information is wrong – it was a thirteenth century Mongol fleet built in and coming from China which was destroyed by the divine wind – I start to doubt the other stuff.

    • Nemesis says:

      David, please don’t take my word as Gospel. Everything I put up is from memory and I do make mistakes on specific era’s, centuries, etc, – it comes from trying to cram too much info into the limited capacity of the Human brain. So my times may be out, as you refer to, but, I would wager, the intent and accuracy of the relevant information is absolutely correct.

      And that is something that you should hang onto. And what you should also hang onto is that I have no intention of deceiving anyone!

      I have no knowledge of whether China had previously launched an invasion of the Japanese islands prior to the 16th Century. You also include in your comment the conception of what the Japanese regard as a Divine intervention, IMO, that at least then gives me a ‘handle’ on what I have learned – so maybe my century’s are out by three hundred years? – but does then cause everything else I have put up as being of doubtful value?

      I would suggest you are being pedantic in your selection concerning my comment because you are looking to fault me. And to do so is your choice entirely.

      I will add here though, that Chinese exploration was well in advance of Western exploration during the middle ages, and it can be shown even earlier, especially as the Roman Empire waned. There is much history of Chinese involvement in South America that is being unearthed today, and that has yet to be fully accepted by the establishment who seem to be allergic to accepting the evidence that those they train unearth- shall we also put a century limitation on their findings?

  4. paul scott says:

    An excellent conversation. I am amazed by this bit from Nemesis above
    “As for the American debt – a Federal Reserve problem – Trump is about to descend on the Fed and declare that Rothschild Central Bank null and void, and then revert back to the Gold Standard – ”
    I wonder whether Trump would survive this good action. I always think that some of his constraints so far are forced on him. There seems an abundance of evidence that the Deep State, the Globalists, Bankers whoever you see as the power have just that enormous power, enough to arrange an assassination of any sort any time.

    • Nemesis says:

      Paul, if you consider the long march through all of our institutions over the past 100 years, it will become obvious for why Trump appears to be restrained in his application of the law of the land against those who are ’employed’ by the Globalist/Deep State.

      If Trump had acted aggressively from day one, there would have been another civil war. In order to get the people on side, Trump must first expose the criminality and treachery.

      The first priority is to wake the people up to how they have been hoodwinked and endlessly controlled via the educational process – that permits only what the Globalists want one to learn – and the mockingbird media that provides the ‘talking points’ and distractions, such as ball games, with which to control.

      That is why Trump continually attacks the ‘fake news’ and calls it the enemy of the people which it undoubtedly is.

      Many sheeple are still asleep, the ‘Great Awakening’ is occurring, but it is a slow process as the sheeple withdraw from that which has controlled them throughout their entire lives.

      Just the rise of what the Globalists denounce as ‘populism’ around the world over the past two years should encourage those who can see what Trump is achieving, not just at home, but around the entire Globe.

      Too, you may wish to acquaint yourself with Trump’s executive order of December 21, 2017, that targets Human Trafficking and the assets of those who benefit from it – the Globalists have lost much of their wealth due to that executive order, especially the Clintons, and are now panicking (notice how insane the Democrats have become and those who support them?) when people panic they tend to make some big mistakes.

      ‘Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.’ A very apt saying for these times!

  5. Dan says:

    Realistically there is nothing that can be done to prevent Beijing from stacking corpses in Hong Kong if tht is the method they choose to force the residents to submit. The west might have been able to force China to behave when it murdered countless numbers ruin the Tianemen uprest. Now China has a massively larger an more capable military. In manpower they are number one an in term of ships and other hardware only the US has more. Any attempt to force China to behave is guaranteed to devolve into WWIII…and probable nuclear war.
    The only viable response is economic…..if ALL modern countries ceased trade with China they would be in a bad way….and might behave. But that will never happen. Greed will insure that there will always be countries and companies that will deal with Beijing….either openly or under the table. The ugly reality is China does what it wants, when it wants to it’s citizens and territories with impunity. Being immune to external threats is one of many reasons China has invested so heavily in its military.

    • Nemesis says:

      Dan, I believe that internal unrest within China will bring the Communist Government to its knees – totalitarian based governments are only effective whenever a small percentage of those they control resist, but totalitarian governments cannot control through oppression everyone, when the majority decide that they have had enough of the oppression.