Corporate Media Blackout — Michael Mann loses his defamation case

Here is the duck-duck-go link. No corporate media hacks are covering the upset to their global warming myth.

Of course we may force the larger media outlets to say something finally, so after the break is a screencap of the above search result late Sunday night Pacific time August 25, 2019.

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11 Responses to Corporate Media Blackout — Michael Mann loses his defamation case

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Failure to produce data is a CRIME! At least scientifically. No research result is valid unless it can be reproduced from the same data. GAWD! I wish the idiots in government would get some basic education in true science.

  2. Pascal says:

    Ok, Monday morning I checked with Google. They have hits, but not a single one is a member of the corporate media. Unless — does the Herald-Sun publishing Andrew Bolt count among major media?

    MANN OVERBOARD: CLIMATE CATASTROPHIST LOSES COURT … › blogs › andrew-bolt › news-story

    2 days ago – Finally a judge gives Michael Mann his just desserts in a great decision for free speech and again global warming hysteria. He has tossed out a …

    It’s behind a subscription wall, so I can’t read it.

    And so far Matt Drudge is silent and the news broke on Friday.

    • Darin says:

      Drudge and the rest are firmly onboard the “which democrat will trounce Trump”train.So no real news from him for awhile.

      There is the this tidbit though,which I found surprising,including the source-

      A lot of questions are finally being asked about one of the green cult’s messiahs.

      • Pascal says:

        Walmart sued Tesla for breach of contract due to “years of gross negligence,” claiming that solar panels installed at seven of its stores went up in flames, causing millions of dollars in damage. The lawsuit, citing Tesla’s “utter incompetence,” seeks to have the company remove rooftop panels it installed at more than 240 Walmart stores.

        From years ago doing one analysis on solar power cell heat exchange for a solar wing in low earth orbit, when a single solar cell falls into shadow, that cell short circuits causing the cell to get hot. Several falling into shadow, IIRC, was a little bit better for each cell.

        I also think the power potential must be size dependent. The ones for space were light-weight for obvious reasons. I’ve never worked on earthbound systems. Besides, I do not know if that shorting problem hasn’t been addressed since then with some sort of switching and heat sinking. But if not, it wouldn’t take that large of a shadow to cause a fire. Perhaps that is why there was charges of incompetency if shadowing was involved in the cause.

        I’m not that interested in it nowadays, but if someone tries to sell you on installing such things, find out what they know about shadow prevention before you agree. Ask for sources of their explanation.

        • Darin says:

          Pascal,I spent a fair amount of time studying solar PV systems over the past decade or so.Shadowing is still a problem,at least on high voltage systems.

          I was looking at PV as a possible alternative to ever increasing utility rates/regulation that was creeping in to my area.Well long story short it just doesn’t pay,even if I bought surplus panels,did my own battery bank and inverter the cost over 20 years would still be twice the projected cost of grid electricity.Plus there would be constant babysitting of the system,breakdowns etc.

          The interesting thing is I also looked into Tesla’s power wall system,it sounds good in theory.The idea that the PV panels themselves would also be roof tiles that would double as roofing while generating power helping offset the cost of the panels.
          The catch is the Tesla battery and inverter,they connect the panels to deliver something like 380vdc at whatever required amperage directly to the DC buss in the inverter.The idea being they can power the house load directly off the panels when practical,and charge the battery with the remainder.

          2 big issues with that-#1 with a 380vdc system,ANY electrical fault will result in a better than average chance of a fire.Interrupting a DC circuit in case of a fault is a whole different ball of wax compared to AC.
          #2 Tesla batteries are fairly complex little technological wonders.The thermal control system is pretty sophisticated because as I’m sure you are aware Lithium cells are pretty picky about temperature during charge/discharge cycles.One fault in the control or a mouse decides to nibble a hole in one of the liquid coolant lines and we’re off to the races.
          The sad thing is there are other companies out there that have a similar product and concept,but their systems are based on legacy technology and hardware that is pretty robust and proven over time.They can’t get any traction in the market however,because Tesla has sucked all the air out of the room.

          • Nemesis says:

            Did my own costing as per installation on the roof – projection costings did not add up. Over the expected life of roof mounted panels and back up battery – and as with all storage batteries – the system must keep the charge above 75% of capacity otherwise the battery begins to lose its reliability, not too mention the slow decay of the roof panels themselves over a period of a decade or longer.

            Even with the creep of power prices over a period of two decades it worked out cheaper to buy the power from the grid than to install an off-grid system.


            Seems to me that we are trying to flog a dead horse with the promotion of so called ‘renewables’.

            Nikola Tesla showed the world a better way over a century ago – J.P. Morgan, his benefactor, shut him down!

  3. Pascal says:

    WOW, two days later and still no major media reporting on Mann’s loss.

    [The following belongs in the media redpill category. Almost deserves its own parody post, but it’s about one little fool who’s already suspect even within the Left, so that makes him a sad clown indeed.]

    The former WSJ reporter, now a NYSlimes columnist, Bret Stephens, is all bent out of shape because someone informed him that an unknown GWU prof called him a metaphorical bedbug in a tweet that got 9 likes and was not directed to him. (I suspect his “friend” that informed him of the tweet got a kick out of letting him know about it. :) )

    THAT is getting aired. Story and video here.

    (You see the Times building has a recent bedbug problem and Stephens just got there, so I guess the lib prof snidely suggested that Bedbug Stephens brought the infestation over from the cuck household at the WSJ.)

    The cucks are as bad as the millennials who are their audience — easily triggered and humorless.

    Bedbug Stephens lacked the common sense to foresee that he just branded himself with the nickname he so resents.