The Green Big Deal

I have an idea on how to save the planet from climate change-Stop wasting electricity broadcasting hour long sessions of political candidates trying to out idiot each other.

Daily Caller-

Half of these idiots want to ban natural gas fracking,the one thing that has reduced the US co2 output the most,while keeping energy costs near the lowest in the world.

Half of these idiots want to ban plastic straws,even though most straws are made from bio-degradable plastic already.

All of these idiots will rail on exhaustively about the national debt and budget deficit,while at the same time proposing climate change “new deal’ plans that cost anywhere between 4 and 15 Trillion dollars.

None of these idiots have any background in science,math,engineering or even balancing their own checkbooks.

All of these idiots want to tax corporations to pay for their idiotic schemes.What the gullible fools who swallow this tripe don’t understand is,it is they themselves who will be paying those taxes  in the form of higher prices at the register.

Green new deal?Nope,just the same idiotic bullshit.

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One Response to The Green Big Deal

  1. Darin says:

    Bernie says yes to global population control-

    So Bernie,you’ve obviously been alive for quite a number of years,why don’t you checkout and leave room for someone else?