True,Every Word of It

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5 Responses to True,Every Word of It

  1. How come he describes an America I am personally so unfamiliar with?
    His slur of Christian Conservatives is a bit much.

    • Darin says:

      If you live near a college town or party town,degeneracy is there in spades.Alcohol,sex.drugs,low self esteem,low expectations and low ambition are the new norm for many.

      The group of Christians he’s referring to are the same ones I call “cardboard cutout” Christians.They talk a good talk,but they don’t know the walk.Warm the pews Sunday,live like the devil Mon-Saturday.If there is no longer a discernible difference between “christians” and the fallen world around us,then what is the point?

    • Yokel says:

      I think he was having a go at Anglosphere leftist populated regions on both sides of The Pond.

      In my experience, whenever there is a town of say 20,000 or more with a college (ie 18+ “education”/indoctrination) in it, then there will be the trouble he describes. I certainly will be careful where I go on a Friday or Saturday night in most towns. Some districts I place out of bounds after dark on any night of the week.

      The worst part of his rant was something new to me, the advent of serial abortion seekers as a sexual thrill. Equally it has been part of the best as well. In describing the same activity on a twitter or telegram post (I can’t remember which) he clearly describes such actions as against God’s will. I hadn’t given PJW credit for caring much about God’s will. I think I was wrong. If he is a believer, then I am glad I was wrong.

      • Darin says:

        I’m starting to see more and more people PJW’s age and a little older returning to the faith of their ancestors. Christianity has been the guiding light of western civilization for the past 1300 years.It’s core beliefs and principles are a solid foundation to build on and I think people are coming around to that again,at least the ones still capable of reason.

        • Pascal says:

          You are so right that even conservative Jews agree with it. They’ll stick with their faith, but they know how much has been made possible because of Christianity. All Jews were charged with bringing light to the other nations (gentiles) but would not actively proselytize. Only followers of Christ actually spread it. The rare conservative Jew is truly Judeo-Christian and thus even more harrassed by liberal Jews.