Victor Davis Hanson

Is England Still Part of Europe?-

Washington Times-

“Historically, Britain has looked more upon the seas and the New World than eastward to Europe. In that trans-Atlantic sense, a Canadian or American typically had more in common with an Englander than did a German or Greek.

Over the last 30 years, the British nearly forgot that fact as they merged into theĀ European Union and pledged to adopt European values in a shared trajectory to supposed utopia.”

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6 Responses to Victor Davis Hanson

  1. Make a five-minute examination of the design of the E.U. and what other word can you come up with but “authoritarian”? Yet the Mother of Parliaments jumped on that monstrosity like a duck on a junebug.

    And this scum bag was happy to lay out the future for all to see. Almost the E.U. top guy this time around. Think on that and the passion of the remainers.

    • Darin says:

      Given what happened the last time someone decided to unite Europe under one banner,I wonder how many million people will die this go around?

  2. mawm says:

    Mrs May wanted England to be inextricably bound to Europe to the extent of surrendering the command and control of the British military and its intelligence services to the European Defence Force and to help in its defence against its enemies such as Russia and the USA. Ummm…. the USA that has been defending Europe since WW2! It is no wonder that Merckle and co. have refused to pay their NATO obligations.

    Daniel Thomas at Cambrian Dissenters has an excellent editorial on it and a link to Lt Gen Riley’s briefing. The introduction in the latter is a must read.

  3. paul scott says:

    It is utterly staggering to me that a half of an entire United Kingdom would wish to surrender their country, sovereignty, it’s laws and trade, and apparently even it’s defence.
    Thanks mawm above, that was shocking reading.
    The PM took a pounding last week, it was weird to watch the forces of insane cultural marxism or whatever the disease is, at work. In the end the situation is so bad, no matter how long these remainers draw it out that an election must happen. Nigel Farage has a fearsome knowledge of the reality of the situation.
    I did not know that in his earlier life he was a professional trader of UK goods to Europe. I will study this more.
    I would like to see Johnson see this thing out carrying with him half of the people, and re-establishing the Conservative party with realists, who accept the will of the people. . Farage deserves a place there somewhere. He says that without him, Boris will still make a slippery nasty compromise.

    • Darin says:

      Simple,the half that want to give it all away had no part in building it in the first place.

      • mawm says:

        Oh! Plenty have a vested interest in the vast amounts of moolah available for supporting this evil empire.