Open House 10-27-19

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14 Responses to Open House 10-27-19

  1. Darin says:

    Okay, now it makes sense-

    On Wednesday, Mia Williams, a 32-year-old who was born male but identifies as female, walked into a Taco Bell, doused a woman with gasoline and then set her on fire, Tallahassee police said.

  2. Nemesis says:

    A mission well accomplished – the termination of Obama’s terrorist-in-chief. I note too the negative reactions concerning a job well done from the usual suspects, the Dems and most of the media, and that is only further exposing themselves for the treachery that they are all guilty of!

    Trump; “he died like a dog, a whimpering coward…….”

    Which is what most of them are. Love it!

  3. Pascal says:

    When Order Breaks Down AND a Government Is Filled with Cowards

    Pull quote:
    That just underneath our border, an entire city was at the mercy of drug traffickers and even the President of the country had to admit the best option was to capitulate to them.

    I can only speculate on some reasons that the American mainstream media isn’t giving this story the attention it deserves but I do have a few guesses:

    • The mainstream media in the United States doesn’t want to spread any stories about Mexico that would validate Trump’s statements on border security or criminality/lawlessness in Mexico.
    • The story brings too much attention to the War on Drugs, which has been for all intents and purposes, an utter and complete failure.
    • Possible fear of the organization and discipline that was displayed by the cartel? Maybe they think the cartel’s willingness to arm themselves and mobilize against state authority could give people ideas.

    Emphasis added to the last sentence.

  4. Pascal says:

    Note: this is almost two years old when Sessions was still AG.

    Obama’s Deep State Army made possible by the Senior Executive Service (SES) created under Jimmy Carter.

    FYI. I’ll let others vet this. Nemesis?

    • Nemesis says:

      Pascal, I didn’t listen to all of it, but what I heard gels with what I have come to know concerning the subjects raised. When criminal cartels such as Central and Private Bank officials are hired to run a ‘special government agency’ such as the SES, what could possibly go wrong?

      Sessions was appointed, not to re-organize the Justice Dept. but to flush out the real problem people – which has been done and is now being dealt with as we watch – Rod Rosenstein comes to mind here. But, Sessions along with Huber’s main target, was the Clintons. Note the Jeffrey Epstein connection here and that exposure. According to ‘Q’ Hilary was ‘detained’ in early 2017 but then released with an ankle bracelet. Why? She still had much to disclose of her evil wrongdoings that have now been swept up as evidence through special surveillance means.

      As ‘Q’ often states – We have it all!

      Sessions has taken a big hit in the alternative media for his ‘cowardice’ and ‘treachery’ for not reforming the Justice Department. What is not noted by the same media is the thousands of sealed indictments that Sessions and Huber have been able to gather together. And after Sessions ‘resigned’ who took his place and is in now in charge and on the warpath against Trump’s enemies?

      Barr would not have been able to take the DOJ on this course so soon after assuming command unless Sessions had already paved the way.

      As for the SES, during the early months of Trump’s presidency thousands of members from various companies, corporations, the military and the SES ‘resigned’ which was not reported on in the MSM, but widely reported in the alternative media, and by ‘Q’ where an updated list of those who resigned was displayed on some websites.

      The SES, if it still exists, no longer functions as it was meant to.

  5. Darin says:

    Lowering the bar? No, now they want to remove the bar-