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6 Responses to Glowbullworming

  1. Darin says:

    I can also say from experience and studying nature, that natural brush fires are only possible when there is enough fuel load on the ground to sustain combustion. If naturally occurring fires are allowed to run their course when the fuel load is low, the possibility of large, out of control fires is minor.
    When the fuel load increases naturally and a fire does happen, those fires are generally hot enough to kill large vegetation and partially sterilize the soil in spots. The vegetation in these areas is slow to recover, as is the build up of fuel load, creating natural fire breaks.
    Nature gives us a self-regulating system, before humans inhabited the land, these fires would occur, the fuel loads and damage from the fires would be light and the land would quickly recover. Now that we live there, stewardship of the land must be practiced and that means forest and wild lands management, which includes active controlled burns along with creating and maintaining fire breaks.

    • Brown says:

      The Abo’s are teaching how they managed the bush fire danger and it appears that people, including fire fighters, are listening. That will thrown the lefties into a confused state because dark skinned indigenous people are recommending back burning. What is a virtue signaler to do?

      • Pascal says:

        Well, Californian natives are still being ignored by our Left, so should Aussies find a way to get your Left (whom I consider to be chargeable as accomplices to arson before the fact) to fall in line, please find a way to share (corporate Media guaranteed to obstruct).

  2. Darin says:

    As for the arsonists, they should be put to work cleaning up the mess they helped make.

  3. Robertv says:

    Everywhere progressives took over the country changed into a shithole by design. They need it to be a shithole so they can save us from it. Progressives are a cancer.