Stick a Fork In Drudge, he’s done

Many of you may already know this, but Matt Drudge sold the Drudge Report awhile back. Since the sale, it has taken a turn left. In light of that, here is a handy list of replacements, feel free to add any I have missed-

The Bongino Report

And what could also be very good news-

Personally I would like to see Dorsey kicked to the curb and replaced by someone hard right.

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3 Responses to Stick a Fork In Drudge, he’s done

  1. pb says:

    Singer? Expect hate speech to be enforced with more gusto.

    • Pb says:

      Singer was a never trumper, vulture capitalist. Funded fusion gps dossier. Tucker hooks into Paul Singer in vid and outlays his role in destroying small rural communities by exporting jobs to China. The gatekeepers on the right are the most dangerous. They have the same top down globalist goal as the loonie left. I suspect Dorsey would be better, at least he wears his loonie left credentials on his sleeve.

      • Darin says:

        Uggggh a big “E” RINO , never mind, in that case I hope he dies screaming.