Mini-Mike and Fauxcahontas Are Out

Mini-Mike is out after blowing $600 million and Warren is out after failing to win even her own state primary-


But the best part, is watching Trump troll them all on Twitter-

“President Trump reacted to Warren’s departure by accusing her of damaging Sanders’ prospects of winning the Democrat nomination, stating she should have dropped out prior to Super Tuesday, which would have freed up her supporters to vote for the Vermont senator instead. “Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, who was going nowhere except into Mini Mike’s head, just dropped out of the Democrat Primary…THREE DAYS TOO LATE. She cost Crazy Bernie, at least, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas. Probably cost him the nomination! Came in third in Mass,” the president tweeted.”

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10 Responses to Mini-Mike and Fauxcahontas Are Out

  1. Somebody else said, if Mike couldn’t buy the election with millions, how did the Russians affect 2016 with thousands.
    Gregg Gutfeld said this was this was not the first time Warren left a race. :) :) :)

    • Darin says:

      I got a good laugh this morning when I heard Biden tapped Beto to run his anti-gunner campaign.

  2. Robertv says:

    An economic collapse could be a game changer.

    • Darin says:

      Yep and this is the reason the media is trying to generate as much panic as possible about Covid 19. Trump must be defeated at all costs you see, because Orange Man Bad!

  3. Andy5759 says:

    I was chatting with some friends in the pub last night. They’re a bit left of centre, and were pleased that creepy Joe looked like being the best prospect for the Dems. I told them about his serial groping of minors – you could hear a pin drop, chins hit chests, eyes like saucers. What bullshit they said, it’s a smear campaign, it’s dirty tricks. Well, it’s time to dig up those compilation videos of creepy being creepy. Next time I’ll have them bookmarked for easy access.

  4. Alan Hancox says:

    Elizabeth Warren is the most pathetic, unauthentic person imaginable. I had my DNA done, and on it several hundred years ago, showed up a black ancestor, a Zulu from Mozambique. There was a lot of Portuguese on my maternal side and Mozambique was a
    Portuguese colony back in time. I am as white as the driven snow and I don’t hold out in any way that I am a black person. By the way I have high cheekbones but I have no idea what that means.

    • Darin says:

      It’s all to do with the left’s identity politics. And as Jordan Peterson pointed out, identity politics is a cultural solvent. If we play by the rules they lay out, we end up not only dividing into different groups, but reverting into the tribal conflicts present in our past.