Open House 3/14/20

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17 Responses to Open House 3/14/20

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been a long time reader of Crusader Rabbit, but only commentated once or twice. I will often browse the links to the right hand side, and I use CR as my hot link to the woodpile report. This morning I went to read his page and sadly the picture of an angel in the clouds is all there is. My best wishes to Remus and his family. 😕

    • Darin says:

      Darn, that’s bad news, but not unexpected, he told us last month his wife was in her last stage. God bless both of them

  2. Darin says:

    Doesn’t surprise me one bit, it’s the kind of classy guy he is, as in zero class

  3. Darin says:

    Florida dodged a bullet-

    Though Gillum lost his first statewide bid for office, he came closer than any Democrat had in 20 years to beating a Republican in a gubernatorial race. The party hailed him as a star and he rubbed elbows with top financiers and former president Barack Obama”

    Probably not the only thing he rubbed with Obama.

  4. MikeH. says:

    I just listened to Gov. Coumo (D-NY) explain an agreement between NY, NJ and CT. to order the closing of all bars and restaurants in each state. His reasoning: “It doesn’t make sense to close bars in one state, forcing people to drive to a neighboring state to drink, then drive back drunk”.

    I kinda thought the idea would be to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, not restrict the free movement of citizens and / or discriminate against certain segments of legal business and the economy by, ordering those businesses to close, in order to slow the spread of drunk drivers.

    The “powers that be” in the Democrat Peoples Republic of California are talking about ordering all citizens over the age of 65 to “self quarantine” at home due to a higher risk of death from the virus. SO… what will be the “legal recourse” applied against the more rebellious seniors who venture out amongst the public? How long will it be before the snowflakes misinterpret the hunker in place order as a safety measure for the elderly into a measure to protect them from the “elderly germ spreaders”?

    This shit has the potential to get real interesting real quick. Pass the popcorn please, Darin.

    • Darin says:

      I’ve already figured that the panic and the “government directive” will kill more than the virus.
      There were a couple other states that closed restaurants without considering what that will do to peoples food choices. Restaurants make up about 35-40% of the food supply for working folks. So where will the shortfall land? At the supermarkets where things are already running low.

    • mawm says:

      The problem with all these predicted exponential increases is that we are not meeting “x” number of new people every day, rather that the number “x” usually represents the same people in our social groups and workplace that we always mix with. There will be an exponential spread this way put not the apocalyptic spread predicted. Time will tell.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Has anyone else realised the irony that the coronavirus is far more fatal to seniors and Biden is 77, Bernie is 78 and ‘in-the-wings’ Hillary is right up there? What are the odds one or more of them come down with it?

    • Darin says:

      I’m not going to wish it on anybody, but there is a long list of politicians, media pundits, etc who time is running out for.

      I figure Biden will get the nomination, then stroke out a week before the election and this will be the first time in history that millions of dead voters will vote to elect a dead candidate. Then of course the media will go “black knight” on us and swear he’s perfectly fit to remain in office.

      Black Knight reference-

  6. Pascal says:

    Remember the story of the Diamond Princess?

    The major point of Silicon Gray Beard’s post is that the Diamond Princess was a perfect sealed laboratory for detecting the infection rate and casualty count of the Wuhan Virus. In those close confines where virtually nobody knew they were breathing diseased air for more than a week before patient zero showed signs. And then the rest were confined to what was imagined by some would be their tragic eventual deaths, we find that the panic is very likely overblown. See this.

    relatively lower infection rates than the panic drivers are selling
    H/T Liberty’s Torch

    Of course there is more, and it is very worth reading.

    But here is his bottom line: “It seems that the more I learn about COVID-19, the less concerned I am about it. “

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Ok, so I’m more than a little slow…I just read this, thought “How dumb am I to not have known this”, but then realised the MSM probably won’t ever

    COVID stands for China Originated Viral Infectious Disease.