The “Petri Dish” That Tells Us the Pandemic Panic Is Overblown

Here’s the informative chart from Silicon Gray Beard’s important post:

Far Lower infection rates that we're being told

Read the rest here:

Remember the Flu Boat?

I’m fed up with the world’s despots. How about you?

Hat tip to Liberty’s Torch

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17 Responses to The “Petri Dish” That Tells Us the Pandemic Panic Is Overblown

  1. K2 says:

    I’m not surprised. Cruises have for some years now inundated the passengers with hand sanitizer. You have to get your hands sprayed every time you enter or leave the ship with additional spraying at various points on the ship. My experience was that you will smell the stuff everywhere, even in the on board restaurants.

    • Darin says:

      A couple I am friends with went on a cruise a couple years ago and got a good case of Norovirus. Two weeks “quarantined” to the toilet was not what they had bargained for. You couldn’t pay me enough to go on one of those garbage barges.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    THe news about chloroquinine is heartening.

  3. Pascal says:

    A Swiss Doctor on Covid-19 — posted initially 14 March with updates posted several times since.

    Of most connection to the results from the Diamond Princess is this update of 19 March.

    According to the latest European monitoring report, overall mortality in all countries (including Italy) and in all age groups remains within or even below the normal range.

    But trust corporate media and its cowed politicians when they scream at you “THIS IS NOT YOUR COMMON FLU PEOPLE.”

    • Darin says:

      I’m betting the majority of the fatal cases had both Covid and the seasonal flu at the same time.

      • Pascal says:

        Yes, that is among the circumstances implied in the link. One, two and three additional pre-existing conditions appear in a very large percentage of deaths.

        Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases. Only about 30% of the deceased are women.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          So when are Women’s libbers going to clamour to suffer the same mortality rate as men? Equality is a two edged sword.

  4. pb says:

    The Chinese Cold has attacked the centers of Democrat control the hardest. Sanctuary cities. Open border advocates. I suspect some fundamental political changes will come from the economic and health catastrophe. How fragile to fall so quickly.

    • Darin says:

      Blue cities have been under the control of roving bands of corrupt democrats for decades, now thanks to their new “do whatever you want” crime policies they will be under the control of roving bands of armed criminals….who are also democrats.

      • pb says:

        The large states should split into manageable portions. Split New York into four. Also California, Texas, Florida. These states are bigger than a lot of countries. The founding fathers never intended for the states to be so big. Then if New York wants to try communism, with its bands of criminals, let it. Gotham city is here. They’ll need borders then, to keep people in.

  5. Darin says:

    Ann Coulter reminds us of just how much diversity China has given us. Poison toothpaste, poison dog food, defective drywall and she forgot an unstoppable hoard of Chinese Carp infesting our rivers-

  6. Pascal says:

    In the 20 March update at the SPR link above is this new alert published 19 March.
    On Corona, the Media, and Propaganda


    For attentive readers, however, this offers an opportunity to assess the standards and focus of different media outlets and authors.

    One should ask, for example:

    • Who merely counts test-positive case and death figures without asking what these people actually fall ill with or die of?
    • Who brings headlines such as „21-year-old football coach dies of coronavirus“ and only mentions in the last sentence that he had undiagnosed leukaemia?
    • Who addresses the issue of so-called excess mortality at all, which is still within or even below the normal range in all countries and age groups?

    You get the idea. Read the link to see the other bullets.

  7. paul scott says:

    The Diamond Princess figures were what had been looking for, so thanks. Other comments here, also bringing reality to this panic, and I now think more of what it will be used for removing the small freedoms we have time. The swimming pool in the condominium block [ Bangkok ] I live in [ 600 people say ] has been closed. Thais don’t swim, I was the only person in the area most days. Our lift has pictures of footprints facing the walls, it’s insane. I’ll see if the Chemist/Pharmacy shops sell Chloroquine, we don’t do Doctors here much, so treatment is faster and more effective if you know what you are doing.