As Always

“The people our loser elite look down on are saving our Bacon”

Town Hall -Kurt Schlichter

“Here are some people who are useless, especially now: Performance artists, diversity consultants, magic crystal healers, sociology TAs, members of the mainstream media, and gender-unspecified entities who brew kale kombucha.

Here are some people who matter, especially now: Soldiers, nurses, truckers, cops, the guy who stocks the shelves at Ralphs, farmers, and that dude rebuilding your roof.”

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17 Responses to As Always

  1. Don’t forget us Firefighters and EMT’s (some of us are both disciplines).

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The complete list would tell you the true worth of what you do for a living. Plumbers and electricians would be right up there.

    • mawm says:

      Apart from the medics, nurses and scientists not many university graduates are on that list at a time like this. I have an enormous amount of respect for the tough, no nonsense tradies that keep our lives going, and those people at the bottom of the income list that do the menial but essential jobs that keep the world turning – eg garbage collectors, shelf packers, etc.

  3. MikeH. says:

    Topping the list of useless: I just watched about forty five seconds of the daily Coumo Show “briefing” on Fox. What a totally self absorbed, flapping prolapsed asshole!!! He has absolutely no clue that the key portion of the word briefing is “brief”. Thank God I was able to find far more intelligent content when I turned the channel to South Park.

    Topping the list of those who really matter: The folks who keep electricity and cable TV flowing. God help me… I’m suffering the beginning stages of lock-down psychosis.

  4. pb says:

    The new social hierarchy ladder is great. Entertainers, urban ticket clippers, climate changers, drag queen story hours tellers, politicals, ceo’s are free falling completely off the hierarchy rungs.

  5. Victor says:

    There was a discussion at the Iron Legion Site once about the men that keep the wheels turning and the lights on being the true pillars that hold up the world… and just what might happen if they were to walk away – how would the world fall apart with out these men… but of course we know it would take a lot for then to walk away – because I suspect these men know it is more than their skills that keep them moving forward… and that makes them heroes.

    • Darin says:

      True that Victor, and those idiot talking heads need to be reminded of something they keep forgetting. That group of men are also the most dangerous when pushed too far. Reason combined with ability and determination has brought castles down before.
      Consider Marvin Heemeyer aka Killdozer

    • pb says:

      There’s a book about that, Atlas Shrugged. The makers of the world just up and disappear, “going Galt”. Everyone wants to know, who is John Galt? Whilst the rest of the world dissolves into deep state swamp slime. Ayn Rand grew up under Russian communism, saw the breakdown, and wrote obsessively about it.

  6. A niece likes to point out what are first-world problems. The store being out of Icelandic butter, sports bras without that cute butterfly pattern, people who won’t use your preferred pronoun, Christian wedding cake bakers, not being able to have a baby when you’re 50 and finally ready for motherhood.

    A special place on the chain gang will have to be reserved for the maroons who think the diseased corpse of an economy and a society is “capitalism” so therefore we need socialism.

    I resolved during those nature walks in the Mekong Delta that I used to take that if you’re warm, dry, fed, and no one is shooting at you you are very good shape indeed. Anything more than that is a sheer gift from God and in the category of “unnecessary.”

    I revere Marcus Aurelius. One thought he had was that in your life you should have the outlook of the wrestler, ready to meet a threat from any quarter. Maybe I live a sheltered life but I think there is a boatload of very educated but not too smart people who think that if it’s all good to the ESE then “What, me worry?” We’ll see how that works out. Say when the diversity comes looking for its next meal.

    A propos of the actual point of Darin’s post, during the time of the great Vietnamese influx in the mid-70s there was a local church that stepped up to help out. A member of the church observed to me that it was interesting how the members who stepped up weren’t the leading lights of the church. The moral of the story being that the leading lights of Washington, the Kennedy Center, the NY Times, and Hollywood are soon about to find out who really matters. It’s been frustrating to see how slow Western populations are to recognize the threat to our civilization and actively support the patriots and nationalists (assuming there’s a diff). What may happen soon is that the decisions of lots of ordinary blokes will just matter more than those of the silk underwear class. Their simple indifference may be revoutionary.

    This really ISN’T like the Depression and Europe in the interwar years. Those problems flared on top of a basically sound civilization. In the US large numbers of people still lived on the land. Now the population of the planet is ginormous, we’ve got us a dandy just-in-time economy, a serious case of skewed globalism, millions of imported enemy troops, and a gutted fiscal, debt, and monetary structure that has worked to give us the 1% who take most of the chips from the table and leave the people to suck wind. Salus populi? Don’t joke at a time like this!!

    If we think that globalism has been shown to have feet of clay, wait till we experience the FULL ON results of unresponsive politics jammed down the throats of a nation that is proving to be ungovernable. It’s been rule by the courts, media, Yarvard scum, and Hollywood slime. And THAT arrangement isn’t going to go back together nice and pretty after any serious spasm. If it weren’t the virus, some other IED in the road would have detonated soon enough. Debt service, pension collapse, or fiscal diarrhea anyone?

    • Pascal says:

      Retrieved from the spam folder where WP put it. Darin wishes he knew how WP has been able to do that without his permission.

      Anyone know?

      • Darin says:

        I baffles me that trolls and spammers can get a comment through, but longtime posters can’t??

        • Darin says:

          Col Bunny said:
          “A niece likes to point out what are first-world problems. The store being out of Icelandic butter, sports bras without that cute butterfly pattern, people who won’t use your preferred pronoun, Christian wedding cake bakers, not being able to have a baby when you’re 50 and finally ready for motherhood.”

          The entitlement crowd, can’t stand them. They have had everything handed to them their whole lives and all they do is bitch and complain and pretend to be oppressed. Ignorance abounds in that group, ignorant of history, ignorant of life and most wouldn’t even make a good wheel chock.
          If the rest of the shit hits the fan tomorrow, my only comfort will be knowing that reality will drop them all on their stupid heads.

  7. Cadwallader says:

    In NZ it will be our farmers who kick-start the economy despite the rules and regulations which have been duped on them in the past two years by Greenies and Marxists who despise enterprise and wealth. Go the cockies!