Why? Because this whole debacle was planned

Michael Snyder on why hundreds of CEO’s resigned shortly before the world went crazy-


“In the months prior to the most ferocious stock market crash in history and the eruption of the biggest public health crisis of our generation, we witnessed the biggest exodus of corporate CEOs that we have ever seen.  And as you will see below, corporate insiders also sold off billions of dollars worth of shares in their own companies just before the stock market imploded.  In life, timing can be everything, and sometimes people simply get lucky.  But it does seem odd that so many among the corporate elite would be so exceedingly “lucky” all at the same time.  In this article I am not claiming to know the motivations of any of these individuals, but I am pointing out certain patterns that I believe are worth investigating.”

“By the end of the year, an all-time record high 1,480 CEOs had left their posts.

But to most people it seemed like the good times were still rolling at the end of 2019.  Corporate profits were rising and the stock market was setting record high after record high.

Yes, there were lots of signs that the global economy was really slowing down, but most experts were not forecasting an imminent recession.

So why did so many chief executives suddenly decide that it was time to move on?”

Seeing who converted stock into solid assets would be interesting reading ….

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19 Responses to Why? Because this whole debacle was planned

  1. Pascal says:

    Yes, this fits in with my new post. (We must have been composing each one at about the same time.) The elites probably didn’t permit the release of a dangerous germ warfare because a real one would be dangerous to them too. But they seemed to know it was coming by their behavior before the fact. So now that they are situated with plenty of filthy lucre to weather the storm they helped create, they have pushed policies that will devastate the economic security of all the rest of us. It is building up to that and looks like it will cost us $2 Trillion — for starters. Trump claims to see its potential to worsen and suggests he will alter its path by Easter.

    If he fails, or is only partially successful, will we fight back successfully? God knows. Ask Him for forgiveness one more time.

    • Darin says:

      I figure the elites already have the cure, because surely we should see some head of state dropping from this bug shouldn’t we?

      • Pascal says:

        Like in Iran?

      • Victor says:

        A cure?
        I am researching Chloroquine – it has been used for malaria for 80 years but has now been banned in Nevada – and it is cheap (or it was).

        Nothing about this whole situation adds up to me – but I was once told that when things don’t add up, start subtracting.

        • Darin says:

          The whole dammed thing is upside down, has been for awhile. Remember what the Bible said about in the last days, good will be called evil and evil good? Well here we are.

          • Victor says:

            Dude, don’t bring the Bible into this – you know how paranoid I can get… but you’re right.

            The past year I have been neck deep in Biblical study along with studying ancient mythologies, cultures, and religions… something very interesting happened when I removed the word mythology from the equation – I may or may not write about this.

            Recently a writer that went by the name Victor Pride changed gears and is now saying that he is a born again Christian – his real name is Nick Kelly and he runs the site Bold and Determined, perhaps the most popular and successful motivational and fitness sites online for men ever… he recently took down all his old posts – they they have been collected into e-books that one can download, along with all the other books that he was selling are now being given away for free – good stuff there by the way… this man is a world traveler, successful writer, helped men become better mentally and physically, started a supplement business and today I open my email and he’s quoting the Bible – not a bad thing mind you, but I am noticing this from people that normally would not behave this way – on the flip side I see people who would be quoting the Bible now questioning everything – me, I have always questioned everything… but also I know that things have to play out a certain way – is this all according to design? the article above about the execs bailing out and selling off their shares is exactly what I would do if I had certain information about future events… remember reading about that seed vault in Norway or someplace like that? I know for a fact those seeds are not for you or me, neither are those deep underground military bunkers that are stocked for years – while we are labelled hoarders for a case of pork and beans… (you know the stuff in the thick sauce like chilli – that’s good stuff) – anyhow… somethings up

            This is interesting: Black Pigeon Speaks


            • Darin says:

              Victor, I too am waiting for the other shoe to drop. Periodically over the course of my life I have had on occasion periods of profound dread that something bad was about to happen. The last time this happened was Hurricane Katrina and the time before was Mid August 2001. I have that same feeling again and I can’t shake it.

              And ya, the good pork and beans, crack the can open, add a couple tablespoons of Tabasco and dig in.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

            • Pascal says:

              Yeah, that second link author says at length something I touched on today. Under guise of responding to a crisis, communism is sneaking in. Rahming it through so to speak.

              • Victor says:

                Pascal the comment at the end of that article about social distancing reminded me about what you once said to me about the “slippery slope” – keeping us all divided and against each other to distract us from the real problem – I saved that comment on my site for others to read – you said:
                “Victor, the process by which this came to this point is called the thin entering wedge. I prefer it to the other metaphors (camel’s nose under the tent; slippery slope) because the wedge is one of Archimedes’ simple machines: the inclined plane. Rulers since his time, and probably before so identified it, know of it. You know how a wedge works. In concert with one or two more, it can splendidly separate wood trim from panels and preserve the wholeness of both, so as to do with each what the woodworker wishes.

                In war it comes in the form of wedge formations designed to separate troops so they cannot reinforce each other.

                In politics it comes by introducing multiculturalism — tribal identities make it easier to take advantage of Tocqueville’s observation

                  a despot easily forgives his subjects for not loving him, provided they do not love each other.

                Or it comes in the form of incrementalism. That is another meaning of progressive — the gradual separation of free men from their rights so that the ruler can deal with each individual as the ruler wishes.

                We and those who came before us Victor, have been gradually, over many generations, separated from our rights, our freedoms. “It’s only a small matter, really.” Worked too well.

                Are there yet sufficient numbers who know what freedom means and the obligations associated remaining to rebel? God knows.”

                and I think this social distancing fits the wedge between us pefectly.


                • Pascal says:

                  Thank you Victor.
                  What a pleasant way to start my day.
                  I’d not remembered writing that.
                  I’m pleased you did and that you reminded me.

                  I’m both breathing compromised and in the more deadly age bracket.
                  I give you and other patriots my permission to gather in private.
                  I’d gladly give up my life early knowing others are fighting to retain liberty.
                  My life would not have been nearly so pleasant had others not done so before me.

                  Don’t let them divide your kind any longer.

                • pb says:

                  The despots seek to divide us, as Rahm Emmanuel says, not letting a crisis go to waste. Yet the strongest most powerful element in society is the family. There is a chance this plague will make families stronger. Forced to live together and become dependent on each other. Home improvements on our street is going crazy. The kids are upstairs homeschooling, and enjoying it. Marriages are forced to reconcile. Gran has been living with us for a few years, and for that, I am glad. I could not imagine the guilt if we had packaged her up into a home and she got sick. I think Victor Pride is right, the only fear we need have, is fear of god. Our little online community of catholics, has never been so active. The evil than men plan will be turned into good. Look after yourself, then your street. Bless all.

  2. pb says:

    Cowards. Our CEO quit. All the message massaging and “be-safe” diversity emptiness, and at the first sign of trouble, cash in and run. We should chase them with pitchforks.

    CEO salaries should be capped. They are empty talking suits. Their most prominent skill is acting. Not doing. They are not entrepreneurs. They take no real risk.

    • Darin says:

      They should have to “buy in” meaning they should invest a portion of THEIR OWN MONEY in the company they are hired to lead so that they are exposed to the same risk as an ordinary investor. They don’t have any skin in the game, so they don’t care, things go bad and off they go swinging from a golden parachute.

      • pb says:

        Yes $1 salary. And they must wait 5 years to sell share options. Their decisions have 5 year+ impacts. Some destroy it quicker though, so 5 years.

        We are witnessing the end of globalism from our home bunkers. The evil all around is being turned to good.

  3. Darin says:

    Pb- “Home improvements on our street is going crazy. The kids are upstairs homeschooling, and enjoying it. Marriages are forced to reconcile. Gran has been living with us for a few years, and for that, I am glad. ”

    That could be one big bright point of this otherwise rotten situation, people coming back together after so many years of drifting apart. One of the biggest problems we face as a culture is the continued atomization of it.

    • mawm says:

      I think that this isolation period (even though I think the time, money and effort should be in contact and vector person tracing, followed by their strict isolation) is having a profound effect. In NZ we are allowed to walk our dogs and exercise outdoors. The streets are full of happy dogs – and people politely keeping their distance, greeting each other and enquiring after each others health. It seems to be pulling our neighbourhood together! People are talking (shouting?) to each other, taking a dig at their home maintenance and gardening efforts, etc and there is generally an all round display of good humour. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

      • Andy5759 says:

        Aye, good people aren’t wasting a crisis to spread some love. Children are removed from the indoctrinating schools, previously distant yet close neighbours are coming closer. I hope that this isn’t the calm before the storm. Unless it’s the storm referenced in the Q drops.

  4. Victor says:

    your cure – from August 2005 – it gets technical but the conclusion is (it seems to me) that Chloroquine works against the China virus: