Not Social Distancing

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2 Responses to Not Social Distancing

  1. mawm says:

    Hmmmm…..all these socialists encouraging their citizens to crowd together? It’s almost as if there was a plan.

    • Brown says:

      And people that think socialism is all about fairness, and kindness in NZ’s case, need to read the black book of communism. The language and style of the lefty progressives today is the same as that of the communist monsters that brought misery and death to millions in the 20th century. In NZ the lock down, far too late to be really effective (the prime minister so wanted her photo op at the commemoration of the Mosque shootings that she did nothing), is like watching a coup take place. We have a “dob people breaching the lock down” on the police website and a commissioner who is a bully. Nasty.