Stick it to them Donnie!

Trump shows media a video of their reporting failures on Coronavirus-

“We could have given you hundreds just like that,” Trump said. “We have them. We didn’t want this to go on too long.”

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8 Responses to Stick it to them Donnie!

  1. Pb says:

    Reporters are junkie whores. They do whatever their pimp owners tell them for a fix. Their owners unfortunately have been sampling the merchandise, and now the whole charade is crumbling like an apple of sodom.

    Fake news piles upon fake news. I wondered today how much foreign and domestic governments own the media organs. How much is state controlled. We all know MSM is failing as a business model, but how much state cash backs up these walking dead. It’s irrational nonsense.

    • Darin says:

      We know China is knee deep in Congress and we know the major media companies like Disney want the Chinese market so bad that there is nothing, literally nothing, that they won’t say, do or censor to get it.

      • pb says:

        For sure these will be interesting times. The small nimble businesses who can react quick enough and supply local have a great opportunity. The entire “turn a blind eye to evil to get China-bucks strategy” has to unwind. The virus precedes a big wave of change.

  2. I like Trump’s rubbing their nose in it, and to the questions of some of the “reporters”: Yes, he was campaigning during the presser. Barack Soetero never did that?
    I had a concern when I first heard that the president had claimed the authority to open everything up again when he originally said he did not have the authority to shut it all down (because, as he said “the Constitution”).
    I felt he was over reaching, and the press rightly questioned him on that.
    He was obviously speaking in reaction to Cuomo’s attempt to supplant him as the national leader in this crisis.
    But I’ve since come to believe that, in a sense, he does have some control over the states.
    He could send a US Attorney to Lansing and take our governess to a federal court for her breach of our Constitutional rights.

    • pigpen51 says:

      Let me know if they are going to do that. I would love to watch it happen. I live in Michigan, on the coast of Lake Michigan, and while my, shall we say, liberal friends, think Gretchen Whitless has done a bang up job, I myself have to say that she is the worst type of partisan hack I have ever seen in Michigan, other than perhaps Debbie Stabenow, who votes with the Democrats nearly all the time.
      But Gretchen Whitless is not the only bad for Michigan politician. We also have an AG who is about as useful as a bicycle for a fish. And if possible, even more to the left than the governor.

    • paul scott says:

      It seems that your Governor is doing plenty to make sure the President has a majority in Michigan in the next election Ed. Under every progressive lies a totalitarian screaming to get out.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    When I heard that the media then went off on a “That’s propaganda!” rant, I had to grin at their culpability. He got them to go ballistic and prove his point (again).