Wow what a coincidence?

CDC’s failed Coronavirus test kits were contaminated with Coronavirus-

“Shortly after the problems became apparent in early February, the Food and Drug Administration sent Timothy Stenzel, chief of in vitro diagnostics and radiological health, to the CDC to investigate what was going wrong. According to the Times, he found a lack of coordination and inexperience in commercial manufacturing.

Problems that led to the contamination included researchers coming and going from labs working on the test kits without changing their coats and researchers sharing lab space to both assemble test components and handle samples containing the coronavirus.”


“Eurofins Scientific, a testing laboratory company based in Luxembourg, sent an email Monday morning informing government laboratories in the U.K. that delivery of key “probes and primers” for coronavirus tests would be delayed after traces of the coronavirus were found on the supplies, The Daily Telegraph reported.

It was not clear in the email how the tests became contaminated. Eurofins Scientific insisted other private coronavirus test suppliers have experienced similar problems.”

Random incompetence? Or a great way to make sure a pandemic gets a start? 

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