More Fake News

As many suspected, the so called “Medical worker counter protests” are staged-

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10 Responses to More Fake News

  1. pb says:

    The medical profession, as agents of the state, have been co-opted in the attempt to propagandize and control people. Fake news has spread to science and medicine.

    “All we have to do is decide what to do with time that was given us.”

    • Darin says:

      It’s scary what is happening in the medical profession. The older generations of doctors and nurses are at work doing their utmost to save lives. The younger generation however has bought into the socialist authoritarianism they picked up in school.
      The Patriot Nurse touched on this a little recently-

      • Pascal says:

        ‘Wearing scrubs does not convey upon the wearer the authority to deny others their rights,’ she said.

      • Pb says:

        She’s fired up. The best and brightest go into medicine. To think you’ll be able to fool and cow all doctors and nurses is just insane.

        It’s the insidious power of the large pharmaceuticals and medical corporations. The big state communists are also in the mix, playing god with medical services. The first law of doctoring: first do no harm. The hypocrattic oath has been supplanted by chase big $ and serve special interests. Best to lose some weight and don’t get sick.

        On the Spanish flu & vaccines:

      • mawm says:

        There is no doubt that the socialists have worked their way into the influential positions in medicine. Major medical journals such as The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, British Journal of Medicine (BMJ), etc, have become the mouthpieces of “liberalism”, doctors representative bodies such as the British Medical Association (BMA) will espouse leftist views without consulting their members, etc. These bodies do not represent the values or views of the majority of their members/readership but, as you have correctly pointed out, those of their vocal activist younger members/readers.

        I’m glad that I’m now retired. I fondly recall the days where doctors were doctors, and nurses were nurses and the care of patients was primary.

        • pb says:

          The people, doctors and nurses, are cut of the same impulse as Marie Antoinette, the problem is the system they labour in. It is shit. The Hippocratic Oath, first do no harm, has been replaced with first make a buck. The problem is corporate medicine and the influence of corporate pharmaceutical companies. And for most in the medical profession the big boss who sits off at a distance is the state. The corporate boss is the state. Iatrogenic’s is the rule. Kick out the hospital manager and replace him with a priest. We are talking with doctors for a new medical centre. They were 110% focused on patient rotation efficiency and reducing doctor patient ratios. I was sort of shocked.

          • mawm says:

            Trotting out the same garbage about Hippocratic oath – which has been replaced BTW, corporate medicine, Big Pharma, iatrogenic diseases, etc. again. No anti vaccine or 5G rubbish??? You really do not have a clue what the majority of doctors and nurses are like, but you seem to belong to that small, embittered fraction of the population who goes out of their way to run down doctors, nurses and the healthcare system! Just remember that modern Westernised healthcare has given you a potential lifespan longer than that which has ever existed before, and of that in any other healthcare system.

            In NZ 10% of Covid-19 infections were amongst the healthcare community. Greedy, grasping bunch much?

      • paul scott says:

        Hydroxychloroquine is refused as a prescription for SARS-CoV-2 in New Zealand and Australia on false grounds. It was missing off the shelves here in Bangkok in early March.
        The Bangkok Paramacies tole me it was all in the hands of the Army, Police and various high ranking Bureaucrats, and of course the Medical Profession. Here are the priorities of the Medical Profession. 1. Big sister Medical Council who holds dogma and power. 2. The Medical Practice, which is solely there to pump you through and click your card. 3. Fellow Practitioners who with supercilious power structure can also ruin you 4. Public Policy . and Law which will be directed again by upper echelons of Medical Politics. 5. Doctors self interest and family. Now the patient, oh yes the patient .. well he pays for this, you don’t think you can run a massive self-serving industry without someone paying for it do you ?

    • paul scott says:

      Hydroxychloroquine is refused as a prescription for SARS-CoV-2 in New Zealand and Australia on false grounds. It was missing off the shelves here in Bangkok in early March.
      The Bangkok Paramacies tole me it was all in the hands of the Army, Police and various high ranking Bureaucrats, and of course the Medical Profession. Here are the priorities of the Medical Profession. 1. Big sister Medical Council who holds dogma and power. 2. The Medical Practice, which is solely there to pump you through and click your card. 3. Fellow Practitioners who with supercilious power structure can also ruin you 4. Public Policy . and Law which will be directed again by upper echelons of Medical Politics. 5. Doctors self interest and family. Now the patient, oh yes the patient .. well he pays for this, you don’t think you can run a massive self-serving industry without someone paying for it do you ?

      • mawm says:

        Here you go with your crap again!

        Is HCQ refused on false grounds…or did you just suck that out of your thumb? I think it is the latter.

        As to the rest of your claptrap :- 1)Do you actually understand that the Medical Council is NOT elected by doctors and only 50% of the members, who control how Dr’s practice, discipline them, register them, etc. are medical/dental/nurses. The rest are laymen. Dr’s must be the most highly regulated profession. 2) Maybe you need to get to know some Dr’s and find out how dedicated most off them are to helping their patients. 3) Nonsensical. 4)Parliament still writes the laws in NZ and they are applied by the Courts. 5)An absolutely groundless statement – yet again! Funnily enough most people pay for services (plumbers etc), and treatable conditions, when the patient adheres to the regime get better.