The American Taliban

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9 Responses to The American Taliban

  1. pb says:

    Seems like an insurgency enacted by leftover bolshy Bernie bro’s but pushed by deep pocketed global transnationals. The open secret of American Communism exported world wide as Globalism and Corporatism needs to be addressed. America has had a heart of communist revolutionaries in Wall Street for a century now. Revolutionaries revolting against themselves. Have you noticed how pathetically small and goblin like the city protestors are. Something has triggered their end-bosses and they have activated all remaining field agents. You can smell their fear. It’s something financial, a malady in the elite order. The Urban centres, once their home bases, have become burning Babel towers. This is a plague washing through. Look to your family, sharpen your sword, learn history. This too will pass. In Nomine Patris

    • Pascal says:

      Dead-on pb.

      Urbanites and suburbanites: When rioters come to your neighborhood and you find you are forced to defend yourself, you can expect fire-works targeted at your windows. You better have planned ahead. You may have some trusted neighbors by now. Form a bloc that knows what must be done. You alone against the mob is a poor bet.

      • Darin says:

        Spot on, both of you
        And remember, when you end up doing what you have to do, don’t talk to LEO without a lawyer.
        And repeat after me -” I was in fear for my life, they allowed me no means of retreat, so I emptied the magazine.”

    • Pascal says:

      Linked this video in a comment to a Wretchard post at FB. He was pointing to a stalemate precisely because people WILL forcibly defend their homes but not the public spaces — yet. But here the homeowners didn’t have backup and that’s what was needed badly if the thugs decided to try and burn them down.

      Of course the front line of protesters are the first ones shot while the bomb hurlers are safely in the rear and leaving after their toss. I saw similar tactics used on campus in 1960s by SDS after the TV crews were set up. Tossing something at the police from behind the lines of demonstrators would get the police to move on the line.

    • mawm says:

      I wouldn’t like to be around that woman with the pistol – finger on the trigger waving it all around. She’s more likely to shoot her partner than a protestor.

      • Darin says:

        I wouldn’t want to be around either one of them, they obviously haven’t had any training. The only reason everybody walked away is because even though the “protesters” have the IQ of a fence post, they are smart enough to know getting shot hurts

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Shining daylight on the Sunshine Movement

    Don’t expect to see any of this on a MSM News outlet anytime soon.