Open House 7/18/20

The vermin are restless again-

BREAKING: Portland Antifa and BLM Launch Explosives at Federal Building While Barricading Agents Inside

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19 Responses to Open House 7/18/20

  1. Darin says:

    Kid has more guts than most adult men have these days

    “When asked why he acted the way he did, he said, “If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.”

    • Alan says:

      The Police are too scared to intervene or the local corrupt Mayors and Governors
      won’t let them. The radical left are everywhere. Evil the whole lot. The right are too timid and intimidated to respond.

    • mawm says:

      One senses that the wall will burst and soon. What will be the trigger? – the Democrats stealing the elections (again), yet another round of trying to delegitimise Trump through endless lawfare, Congressional hearings, whistleblowers, riots in blue states, etc, etc?

      • Darin says:

        Recently in my little town there was some criminal activity that was painted as being racial in nature by the media and the usual suspects on Facebook. It wasn’t, it was drug related and everyone knew it.
        Outside groups got involved and started sending people here for staged protests. BLM sent two bus loads of people here to have a “rally”.
        Word got out what was going on and several local groups got together along with just ordinary citizens to have a counter “protest”call it an “anti-BLM” rally.
        Two buses of outsiders assembled to have their march on one side of the tracks (along with a bus load of national media) and the anti-rally crowd assembled on the other.
        The anti-rally drew 800-1,000 people, of all colors and all walks of life and quickly turned into a massive block party/church revival/barbecue (the kind with Ribs and Brisket, not the BLM kind with burning buildings)it drew zero attention from the media. That’s okay though, the BLM march drew zero attendees and quickly got back on the bus and left town.
        Don’t underestimate the silent majority, it’s alive and well.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Pascal and I have said the Left want us dead for a few years now. In case any of you still think we were being hyperbolic…

    If the ‘Paper of Record’ does this, is there any doubt anymore?

    • Darin says:

      I saw that, if they are stupid enough to do it, and I am sure they are, then we need to return the favor and start doxxing libtard reporters besides boycotting any company that advertises with them. The NYT needs to be torn down and it’s staff sent begging in the street :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    With any luck, this whore will be gone come Nov 4th.

    • Darin says:

      Agreed, Milosevic was just settling an old score, but it became Clinton’s wag the dog moment to deflect attention from his impeachment. Oil for food was his next biggest scandal, followed possibly by his ignoring Rwanda, oh, wait, those were blacks and we all know how democrats feel about blacks.

  4. Darin says:
