Open House 8/15/20

Who is John Galt?

American Thinker-

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is not ambiguous – in America, an employer cannot discriminate based upon race, color, sex, religion, or country of national origin. Sandia National Laboratories is not just any employer. It’s one of only three National Nuclear Security Administration research and development laboratories in the United States and, as such, is subject to the Civil Rights Act via 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-16.

That proscription against discrimination, however, did not stop Sandia from sending its white, male executives, and only its white male executives, to a three-day-long mandatory training session aimed at telling them that, as white males, they are allies of the KKK, the Aryan nation, MAGA, and mass killings.

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12 Responses to Open House 8/15/20

  1. Darin says:

    Should put the mask debate in it’s grave-

  2. Brown says:

    The current narrative is that a mask reduces the contamination distance from 2.5 it’s to half that (or something like that). Is it worth it is the question. In the case of Covid with it’s supposed high contamination and death rate (adjust to suit current compliance rates) maybe the difference is worth it – or not.

    • Darin says:

      People who are sick and having symptoms should wear them in public. They do stop droplets and aerosols from flying when a person sneezes or coughs to some degree.
      Consider the size of things, a virus (.004-.1 microns) is smaller than the particulate in cigarette smoke (.1-1.0 microns) and cigarette smoke has no problem passing through a nearly 25mm long filter on the end of the cigarette. Why would anyone think that a 2mm piece of spun polyethylene filter cloth would be sufficient to stop a virus passing through? Especially when even the top dollar N95 masks are only rated to .3 microns.

      Don’t take my word for it, here it is from the NHPL-
      “Droplets that
      can be visually seen are produced through
      respiratory events such as talking, coughing or
      sneezing. These droplets are easily captured
      through the surgical mask’s filter barrier. However, this type of mask is not intended to protect
      the wearer from micro-droplets or from very small particles like viruses.”

      So the $64,000 question here is, how many virus particles does it take to cause a viral infection to occur?

      Here is a clue, though we really don’t know-

      “The minimum infectious dose of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is unknown so far, but researchers suspect it is low. “The virus is spread through very, very casual interpersonal contact,” W. David Hardy, a professor of infectious disease at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, told STAT.”

      Now, about those masks. As seen in the video, neither surgical masks, nor N95’s MAKE A PROPER SEAL on the wearer’s face. The reality is, those masks are only for incidental exposure to dust.

      A real mask, a CBRN or SCBA is the only type that will protect the wearer from viral contaminates. I’ve worn both, not a pleasant experience, but a necessary evil.

      So if a Nancy starts going off on wearing a mask, tell her she needs a full face respirator with a silicone bulb seal and elastic suspension. Otherwise tell her, or him, to fuck off in the loudest voice possible.

  3. Darin says:

    Young man has some mad fabrication skills-

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    When I read that Trump was issuing a pardon for Susan B. Anthony, I figured it would be welcomed by the Left..silly me

    You can’t make this shit up

  5. Darin says:

    If this pans out, especially if it pans out in other dem controlled cities, it would be Yuge!