If Scott Morrison is supposed to be a Conservative…

Then Australia is F**ked

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6 Responses to If Scott Morrison is supposed to be a Conservative…

  1. Pascal says:

    This is a portion clipped from near the end of the documentary Plandemic that is a fitting postscript to this video.

    So as to obtain an uncrowded playground for the “entitled” few.

    (I will try to make this playable in this window, but that link should open a new tab where it will play.)

  2. Johno says:

    Darin, there is no difference of substance between major political parties in Australia. Any apparent conflict of policy or idealogy is just sham, a show put on for the presstitute media to spray to the populace. Our shadow government would never allow real elected leadership, Morrison just reads his script. Since WWII we’ve been nought but a colony of the USA, which itself is a vassal state to Israel.

    • Darin says:

      Same thing in the US,both parties serve the same master-themselves.

      • Andy5759 says:

        Yup, same here in UK. Labour have made themselves unelectable, so much that it can’t possibly be by accident. The cuckservatives are simply in power to do the nasty on us so the commies can come riding to our rescue. Yeh, right. Can’t wait for that. The funny thing is that the agitprop group think the crocodile will eat them last. Haha, little do they realise that once these useful idiots have done their job they’re for the chop. By which time it will be too late for the rest of us.

        I still have hope for Trump to be re-elected and to on to turn back the tide over there. A lot of people have lost faith in Boris over here, he’s in thrall to someone or something that just ain’t on our side. We’ll have to wait and see.

        I’m getting on in years so I could be excused for not caring much, except that eugenics and euthanasia are trending topics. I’m due to get my state pension one two years, what odds do you give me that I will both survive and collect? Ok Boomer – yeh, that’s trending too.

        So I do care, a lot. Apart from taking every opportunity to gently steer people in the right direction there’s not much else I can do. I suppose that all that can be done is keep the faith, be ever vigilant, and avoid crowds.

  3. Pascal says:

    BTW Darin, the segment that follows the clip I provided above sounds like it is narrated by our NZ videographer, Terry Opines. I’m hoping to shortly have a clip of that as well as a better version than the “screencap” I provided above.