
UPDATE: Above link is to the entire presser about an hour and thirty long.

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16 Responses to Boom!

    • mawm says:

      None. They’re Democrats. If Hillary had no censure for deleting material that was under Federal subpoena why would they do anything for a bit of electoral fraud. Anyway there are just too many who are cannon fodder for whoever are behind this; and you can be assured that they are well insulated – just like drug networks.

      • Darin says:

        That I believe is why Trump made the move to get control of SPECOPS away from the Pentagon. Like dealing with the Cartels, he’s gonna have to take the gloves off and go after them using rendition. The time for subtle tactics is over with.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    I didn’t see all of the presentation. Did they mention what Crowder is talking about here?

    • Darin says:

      Much, much more than that Michael, I’ll see if I can find a link to the whole thing and post it. It’s worth the watch and watching is pretty much the only way to grasp the scope of the corruption.

      It’s also not just limited to the democrat party, or even the US, they were talking foreign elections as well. Some of the examples given were an algorithmic sub-routine built into the software that tabulated the votes as a ratio, instead of a straight count. As in 1.25 votes for Biden and .75 votes for Trump. That’s one reason why the vote counts stopped in those key states, the number of votes for Trump came in in such higher than expected numbers that the algorithm couldn’t keep up, so they had to stop the count and back fill the totals with more fraudulent votes.
      That was were the massive vote dumps came in during the early morning hours, which also are corroborated by witness testimony. They gave an example of 16,000 votes in one precinct in Arizona, 95% of which went for Biden. These ballots were clean, meaning no creases, wrinkles, mis-marks etc and more damming still, the circles were filled in perfectly and aligned with each other, in other words someone masked them and filled them in using a templet.
      They basically also said, any election, anywhere in the world that used this software, or one of it’s variants, was most likely tainted at minimum, or outright stolen.

      • Darin says:

        Video link updated to the full length version. Particularly interesting are the comments made by Sidney Powell.

        • Pascal says:

          She is very convincing in her presentation and it holds out great hope. But she provides no evidence at all. “Trust me” is reserved for our Creator. May all she says not suddenly evaporate. I’ve see it happen too many times.

      • Michael in Nelson says:


        I did see the bits about Dominion and the software in clips elsewhere. I just didn’t have time to sit through the whole 90 minutes. I was just amazed the ‘0 Registered voters’ bit was such an obvious fraud I was wondering if the news conference had covered it and what the reporters’ reactions were.

  2. MikeH. says:

    Don’t know about you folks but I’m real sure that unless there are sweeping changes in the process, my voting confidence level will never rise from the bottom of the outhouse pit.

    • Darin says:

      If this isn’t resolved here and now it never will be and voting will become an absolute waste of time. Reps and Dems should all be on the war path about this, since affects us all.

  3. Dan says:

    The left has spent decades building the machinery to steal elections and four years conspiring to steal THIS election. They have covered ALL the possible legal contingencies Trump can use to thwart them. Facts don’t matter, evidence doesn’t matter, truth doesn’t matter. The left OWNS literally ALL of the mechanisms Trump needs to overturn the fraud and hold them accountable. They really haven’t even TRIED to hide the fraud. They are giving America a giant middle finger and laughing at us. Any path to victory for Trump MUST go through the courts. Already five judges in five states have summarily tossed lawsuits to have defective ballots invalidated and results invalidated. In Georgia the same people who counted the votes the first time did the “recount”….with predictable results. It will require DIVINE INTERVENTION for Trump to win. Don’t hold your breath. Instead of tilting at windmills trying to undo this disaster we nee to be preparing for the coming “festivities”. The left has plans for us. And those plans are NOT benevolent.

  4. Darin says:

    According to Sidney Powell a short time ago, it was our side that got the Scytl servers in Germany and the evidence is damming and overwhelming.

  5. Pb says:

    Did you see the trap within. The media are spreading the story by talking about sweaty Giuliani. I think the mascara was deliberate, and the retards fell for it. This is next level manipulation.

    Anything online is open source. Geeks can hack anything. If you do nefarious stuff on a computer or a phone you deserve to be caught. Best be straight or you will be blackmailed.

    This all feels like kabuki.