Open House 12/5/20

Dire consequences? You mean like jail time?

CROOKS: Georgia Election Officials Warn Judge If they Are Not Allowed to Wipe Machines Clean “There Could be Grave and Serious Consequences”

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36 Responses to Open House 12/5/20

  1. MikeH. says:

    One of two things is going to happen in regards to all this election / voter fraud evidence. A bunch of people are going to face some serious criminal charges OR, just like Hunter Biden, this story will go into hiding for a few weeks and be forgotten. I’m putting my money on a sure thing… the latter.

    • mawm says:

      Voter fraud? What voter fraud!

      About to be consigned to the bin of know nuffin along with:-
      Everything Obama
      Hillary’s emails
      Destruction of evidence under Federal subpoena by Hillary
      Weiner’s laptop
      Muller “investigation’
      Rapist Biden
      Racist Biden
      Incompetent Biden
      Everything Kamala
      Hunter’s laptop

  2. Johno says:

    Darin, a link to an interesting report about General Flynn’s confirmation of the raid on the CIA server farm in Frankfurt.

    • Johno says:

      Damn it, I screwed up with the link, but it still takes you to their landing page with the Frankfurt affair the head item, with a photo of Flynn. I’m stuck using and old phone, with fat thumbs!

      • Darin says:

        No problem John, we still haven’t seen any concrete confirmation of what happened in that raid. Could be it was rather sedate, or there could have been a firefight. I do think it’s still a valid question- Just where is Gina Haspel?

  3. Darin says:

    How Pecans are harvested and shelled- Smarter Everyday

  4. MikeH. says:

    Well, I’m confused. Sniffy says he will not make the RONA vaccine mandatory. Then I saw a news item that says the DoD has prepared a vaccination packet that includes a wallet sized identification and vaccination records card.

    I don’t quite know where to begin with this; Why is the Department of Defense involved in something that should probably be under Health and Human Services? Next, why have a “wallet sized” ID / shots record card for a non-mandatory vaccine?

    Could it come to pass that folks will beg to have the vaccine and the ID card after they are denied entry into essential shops and services? “Papers please. No papers? Sorry, no groceries for you”. No medications, no doctor visits or no trips to the emergency room. Oh wait!!! Silly me, we are already denied these things, and others, for not wearing a mask. Have the “precautions” of the last eleven months been conditioning for something more restrictive to come?

    So the other day, I stopped at a Walmart / Murphy gas station to pick up my weekly lottery tickets. I was a tad surprised when the clerk asked for my ID. Seeing the look of stupid showing above my RONA mask, she pointed to a printed notice on her glass enclosure. “ID IS REQUIRED FOR ALL AGE PROHIBITED ITEMS, REGARDLESS OF AGE, FOR CUSTOMERS WEARING FACE COVERINGS.” Being a little bit of a smart ass, I pulled my mask down. She told me it was too late for that and then pointed to another notice,,, “SOCIAL DISTANCING AND FACE COVERING REQUIRED.”

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure we are being conditioned, or indoctrinated if you will, for something far more evil this way coming.

  5. Darin says:

    BLM begins eating itself from with in-

    Lying thieves, thieving and lying? Who knew?

  6. mawm says:

    I’m sure you have all read about the car explosion that killed Harrison Deal. He was working for Senator Kelly Loeffler and dating Gov Kemp’s daughter. Initially I was sceptical about the rumours swirling around the internet that this was an assassination as a warning to Kemp not to disclose the cheating in GA. Here is a link to Vox Popoli’s post AND some informed comments about how unlikely it is to have an explosion of that magnitude from a gas tank. It does make one think.

    OTOH the whole Georgia election fraud is beginning to unravel. Stay tuned.

  7. Darin says:

    Massive multi-state organized theft ring broken up-

    Now, if they could just sick her on the demonrat party

  8. pb says:

    The Left admit they cannot win without cheating. Party of cheaters. That’s good.

    There were accusations of election cheating in Lincoln’s 1860 election, from both sides. A year later the civil war broke out.

  9. Gecko says:

    This has some information about the female in the purple shirt.

  10. Johno says:

    Cool Darin, if people click here, , they’ll go to the right article, amazing what proofreading will accomplish before I post! The author firmly asserts that Gen. Flynn confirmed the Frankfurt attack on Greek media, I hope she (Mary Maxwell) is right about that, and the arrest of Gina Haspel. I do think that it is 4 years late in coming, if not too late to beat all the criminals. Hopefully I’m wrong!

  11. Darin says:

    Occasionally the liars slip up and tell the truth-

    The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.

    That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%.

    Right in line with seasonal flu and the predictions of many experts from all around the world.

    0.14% is over 24 times LOWER than the WHO’s “provisional figure” of 3.4% back in March. This figure was used in the models which were used to justify lockdowns and other draconian policies.

    In fact, given the over-reporting of alleged Covid deaths, the IFR is likely even lower than 0.14%, and could show Covid to be much less dangerous than flu.

    • Pascal says:

      OTOH, from a political perspective Covid is the “crisis” far more dangerous to human life than any other illness in my 3/4 century.

      It has so scared significant numbers of world population into submission that it has outstripped the speed of any previous tyranny’s feat. The international socialism that’s unfolding has had nothing bad to say about radical sustainability, and indeed is elevating many of its proponents to high directorships. Thus the approximate 100 million governmental murders of subjects in the 20th Century will surely be swamped should defenders of liberty fail to prevent the full deployment of that global despotism — Agenda 2030.

      It is this likelihood that is the foundation for the assertion in the opening paragraph. May God turn the means of oppression on the oppressors.

    • mawm says:

      Isn’t it amazing – we’ve cured the “flu. New Zealand, every leftists wet dream, having handled Covid so well that we only had 23 deaths has managed to reduce our annual flu deaths by 300.–ministry-of-health

      • Pascal says:

        This reminds me of that story told me in the 1970s that I believe I related here a month or so ago. The ministry of health had better end the covid lockdowns before people see how well their health improved when not having access. :D

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    This dipshit is so stupid she probably told him she was a spy and he thought she was joking.

    Tucker says they contacted Swalwell’s office and his staff said they couldn’t comment on whether he had a sexual relationship with Ms Fang because it could be classified.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Just for fun, I did a search on CNN for ‘Spy Christine Fang”…No results. A search for Swalwell and Chinese spy yielded two results…1: an October 19, 2019 article on the state of the Trump impeachments and 2: an article from 18 April, 2019 on the Mueller report coming out.

      Heavy hitting journalism that

      • Darin says:

        Like Don Jr said yesterday- “Does anyone else notice that the Chinese spies always seem to attach themselves to Democrats and the Chinese communist government propaganda always seems to be targeted at Republicans?

        Tells you everything you need to know”

        This election isn’t red vs blue, this election is China vs USA.

    • mawm says:

      The door-to-door vacuum salesmen have morphed into politicians.

  13. Darin says:

    Steven Crowder steps up!

  14. Phil Stephenson says:

    Check this revolting specimen out:

    Then, when it was disciplined, it didn’t mean its language to come across as, “threatening,” and talked about unity.

    • Darin says:

      Makes a good argument for a sanity test before being allowed public office doesn’t it?
      Good to see you Phil!

  15. mawm says:

    There Supreme Court has done it – Ruled that Texas has no standing!

    Not one court has examined the merit of the alleged fraud cases. It’s all down to technicalities.

    Tomorrow’s march in DC is going to be interesting! If I was an American I’d be pissed – in fact even as a non-American I’m pissed.

    • Darin says:

      I think a bunch of us citizens that have had our votes effectively nullified by the other cheating, should show up at the SCOTUS and tell the justices in person that we do in fact have standing

  16. mawm says:

    Senate passes National Defense Authorisation Act – with a veto proof majority.

    So the republican senators stick it to Trump as well. Best President ever and they hate him. They are a gutless bunch on the take. Like McCain they’ll sell their souls to the highest bidder. If I was Trump I’d go into the night and take as many with me as possible, and all the WH furniture and plates.

    • Darin says:

      And I am sure the NDAA was structured so any delay would be taken out on the troops and their families.