If you are on Facebook or Twitter….

Dump them now!

Twitter Permanently Bans President Trump Account, POTUS Account Responds and is Immediately Deleted

Big Tech Purge Continues, Facebook Bans Walk Away Movement, Reddit Bans Pro-Trump Group, Twitter Purge Ongoing, Biden Labels Trump Supporters “Domestic Terrorists”

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12 Responses to If you are on Facebook or Twitter….

  1. Pb says:

    The censorship tells us the ideas they are most afraid of. It will be very helpful in the coming era. Censorship is a massive weakness. It is an admission of failure and cowardice.

    In three years Twitter went from banning, to banning a president. They are so frightened it’s funny.

    • MikeH. says:

      And now Amazon is reportedly shutting out Parler from their (Amazon) servers tonight at 2400 hrs. Parler says they were preparing for this for some time but may be offline for a week or so while they move everything over to another server.

      For three days, Citizen Free Press was knocked offline until they could hookup with a new server.

      Welcome to full on communism in America.

      • Darin says:

        I asked a question in the comments under a Youtube video a bit ago-
        “Will the same size crowd from Jan 6 fit inside Google headquarters? Asking for a friend” http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. “The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honor you can bestow on him. It means that you recognize his superiority to yourself.” –Joseph Sobran

      • MikeH. says:

        Personally, I kinda think that when the silencers are communists, there is no honor being bestowed upon the silencee… only a check mark next to her / his name on the secret police midnight shift pickup list.

        In explanation; I will no longer refer to those people as leftists, liberals, socialists nor marxists. They are communists.

  3. Darin says:

    To the troll-
    “I have a couple of questions for those of you who think that their “freedoms” are somehow being infringed because Google, Apple, and Amazon have decided to remove Parler from their stores and servers.

    Do you think that people should have the freedom to plan violent criminal acts? Because that’s exactly what people are using Parler for.”

    BLM and Antifa both use Facebook and Twitter for that very thing and neither has been taken down.

    • Pascal says:

      I was wondering if you saw that. That is the correct reply but I think the spirit of KG has suppressed my inclination to try and inform such cowards who leave phony email addresses.

    • Tom Hunter says:

      That’s the identical message left by the same troll over on NoMinister – and he got the same treatment, mainly because he previously boasted about all his nyms and fake IP addresses, which caught up with him when we shifted to WordPress a few months ago.
