Open House 1/22/21

It’s January 22nd, 2021 and Joe Biden is still an illegitimate president.

And: From Australia to Google-

Google threatens to remove search engine from Australia


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20 Responses to Open House 1/22/21

  1. Pb says:

    After years of listening to wailing in the message boards of US, OZ, UK, NZ, etc, little Poland decides to stick a hussar lance in the toad belly of tech censorship. When a tiny Eastern European country takes on Google, etc, you begin to understand who rules who in the West. Our politicians are puppets of these rich companies. Including Trump. For now.

  2. Grog says:

    It looks like the fraud is signing blank pieces of paper in the video.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I’ve heard Trump plans to stay with the Republican Party because a third party would guarantee Democrats stay in power. Primary-ing the RINOs is probably a better way t go.

      • mawm says:

        Here’s a Rasmussen poll that shows how much muck the GOPe have got themselves into by not supporting Trump.

        This question is telling –
        “The survey also asked respondents, “If former President Trump started a third party, would you consider the Trump party better or worse than the Republican Party, or about the same?” A plurality said they would consider it to be “worse,” followed by 34 percent who said “better,” 17 percent who said “about the same,” and six percent who said they were not sure. Among GOP voters, 49 percent believe the new party would be “better,” 33 percent said “worse,” 21 percent said “about the same,” and eight percent said, “not sure.”” (bold mine)

        That looks to me like Trump would definitely take all the GOP voters except some of the 33% who said worse.

        • Darin says:

          Trump is not going away, he has the gravity to swing the GOP into whatever orbit he likes. they can either be pulled closer in and start running as a true conservative party, or they can be spun off into an icy death.
          The two biggest weapons Trump has are his popularity with not only the Republican base, but also all the swing voting democrats that crossed parties to vote for him because they liked his policies.
          The other weapon is the Biden admin itself. It’s already off to be a complete shit show and we are just a couple weeks in.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Maybe your kids would be safer not going to school if the gender equity bill gets passed.

  4. Grog says:

    It’s January 29th and creepy uncle joe is still an ill-legitimate elected official.