Animal Farm

Remember folks-“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”

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2 Responses to Animal Farm

  1. mawm says:

    I wonder how many of these Maori (and other) separatists were demonstrating against “separatism” (that’s the meaning of apartheid) in South Africa, or was it that a minority held sway over governance of SA? None of the 16% who identify as Maori in New Zealand are more than 50% Maori, and now they are going to be given a greater and overruling say in the governance of NZ. Ardern was hoping that this would fly in under the radar.

    Meanwhile there is a heavy-handed attempt to force the Maori language on all of us with a concerted campaign in the media to name everything in Maori and the excessive use of Maori phrases. This is despite that less than 5% of people in NZ can actually speak Maori. History repeats itself and people do not learn from history – the beginning of the end of Apartheid in SA was on June 16th 1976 when the youth burned down the townships in protest to being forced to study in Afrikaans. This spawned widespread and uncontrollable mayhem across the country.

  2. Darin says:

    What I find ironic is, it’s the same group chanting the “follow the science” mantra who are pushing this reversion to the stone age. More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.