Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Dr Fauxchee has some explaining to do-

The Fauci Emails Reveal Ineptitude, Corruption, and Ignored Warnings Over ChiCom Coverup

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7 Responses to Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

  1. mawm says:

    Ineptitude, Corruption and Fraud! More like Lies, Evasion and Bulls*t. He knew where that virus came from, he knew that it had been engineered with elements of the HIV to evade the immune system and he knew the “advice” he was dishing out was bullish*t.

    Fauci, Daszak and the rest of those copied in the emails should be in the dock and facing lengthy periods of incarceration. We know it won’t happen because it was all in a good cause – destroying Trump’s economy, his Presidency and any chance of being re-elected. And they still had to cheat to achieve the latter.

    • Pascal says:

      Will nobody ask “How could Trump not have a clue?” It is just about impossible with all of us screaming last year for Fauci to be fired that NOBODY came up with the goods against this criminal and Trump heard none of it. Saying Trump turned a deaf ear because “he’s a germaphobe” doesn’t pass the smell test.

    • Darin says:

      Long prison sentence? I’d prefer we gave them a long drop on a short rope.

      China needs to be punished severely for this too. Cutting off trade relations and sending all their citizens home would be a good start.

  2. mawm says:

    This video of Ben Domenech’s monologue is a must listen to. It says it all.

    • Darin says:

      Spot on!

    • Pascal says:

      I agree entirely with “any system where we the people don’t rule needs to end starting today.” Oh yes there are idiots and incompetents who’ve been installed into visible positions of authority, but as Plato informed us, they are not our rulers. The ancient Sophists schooled the real power never to seek the limelight. Their money would buy them trained monkeys and would serve to shield them from revolts when they come. “You will live to rule another day.”

  3. Darin says:

    Fauci’s book getting cancelled, Rand Paul does a mic drop-

    Rand Paul-” Oh I don’t know, I think they should publish it……..I love science fiction”