Open House 6/8/21

I want one!

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51 Responses to Open House 6/8/21

  1. And the ammo to feed it.

  2. mawm says:

    I wonder how it staked up against the Schmeisser MP-40? They seem very alike apart from the feed.

    • Darin says:

      Dunno about the Schmeisser, I do know it has a lot in common with the Sten and also the M3 Grease gun.

      I like the K, just wish it was .45acp instead of 9mm. Simple enough to build one, not that I would ever do that, it being against federal law and all

  3. Darin says:

    More on the court ruling striking down California’s assualt weapons ban-

    “[T]he popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Good for both home and battle … Therefore, this Court declares the California statutes to be unconstitutional. …

    The Second Amendment protects any law-abiding citizen’s right … to be armed to defend himself, his family, and his home. At the same time, the Second Amendment protects a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms to use should the militia be needed to fight against invaders, terrorists, and tyrants. …

    The evidence is clear … that the AR-15 … bears a reasonable relationship to the preservation and efficiency, as well as the effectiveness, of a modern well-regulated militia. It is therefore categorically protected by the Second Amendment. …

    [T]he evidence overwhelmingly shows that AR-15 platform rifles are ideal for use in both the citizens’ militia and a state-organized militia. Quite apart from its practicality as a peacekeeping arm for home-defense, [it] can also be useful for war. In fact, it is an ideal firearm for militia service … It is therefore categorically protected by the Second Amendment.”

    Now the fun bit-

    “On the other hand, Heller mischaracterized the Supreme Court’s decision in U.S. v. Miller (1939), to say that the right to arms is limited to arms that are already “in common use,” a notion that Justice Stephen Breyer correctly ridiculed in his dissent.

    It is true that U.S. v. Miller observed that “when called for service [militia members] were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.” But far more importantly, it recognized that the right to arms includes arms that “have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia,” such as those that are “part of the ordinary military equipment” and any others the use of which “could contribute to the common defense.”

    In support of that, the court cited the decision of the Tennessee Supreme Court in Aymette v. State (1840), that the right includes arms “such as are usually employed in civilized warfare, and that constitute the ordinary military equipment. If the citizens have these arms in their hands, they are prepared in the best possible manner to repel any encroachments upon their rights by those in authority.”

    Ar-15’s ARE NOT military issued weapons, the services don’t use them. Why? Because they are semi’s. The Military issues M-14’s M4’s(Modern version of the M16) and various belt fed platforms, all of which are full auto or select fire.

    Then there is this-
    “Heller adopted the nonsense whole cloth. Ironically, the opinion was written by Justice Scalia, renowned as the court’s great originalist. Ironic, in that there is nothing in the legislative history of the Second Amendment to support a “common use” test.

    As Judge Benitez wrote, “The command of the Amendment is that the right to keep and bear arms ‘shall not be infringed.’” Not some arms, but “Arms.” And not “infringed too much,” but “infringed” at all.”

    I think, if the right angle of attack were taken, we could get the entire federal firearms act thrown out, 1938,1968 and 1986. Afterall, if I’m expected to be called up as militia, I need a weapon or weapons that are in common military use and semi’s aren’t.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Unfortunately, he immediately put a stay on his own decision to allow the state to file an appeal.

    • Darin says:

      Some things are so obvious, even the blind can see them.

    • mawm says:

      How bad is Joe? Wandering around the G7 like a lost senile old man and having to be rescued by “Dr” Jill. I wonder what analeptics he’s on? I might save up some for my dotage.

      • Darin says:

        *like*? He IS a senile old man. I ran into an admirer of his the otherday, I had to burst their bubble by informing them that Joe said “Hunter is the smartest guy he knows”

  5. Darin says:

    Ya think? :evil:

    Translation: The establishment is already scheming a Pence/Haley ticket, they will fail.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    CNN chick gets told. Love how the Representative Donalds stays on topic and refuses her attempts to throw in red herrings.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    Surprise, surprise, and they want to force kids and those who have natural immunity to take the shot.

    I wonder how much their “emergency meeting” was prompted by Tucker Carlson highlighting this issue in a recent program?

    • Darin says:

      Last I looked, close to 6,000 people in the US have died from the vax and a whole lot more have severe and sometimes life altering side effects.

  8. Darin says:

    Kamala isn’t popular in Latin America either-

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    Democrats looking to impose tax increases that would hurt those on low income the hardest (surprised I am not).

  10. mawm says:

    It’s looking more and more likely that China deliberately released Covid-19 as a bioweapon from Wuhan. The question now is did the US intelligence agencies have a hand in this? All to get rid of Trump!

    • Darin says:

      US Intel and the CCP, is there any real difference between the two now? They seem to have common goals these days.

      • Pascal says:

        Robert Conquest laid it out decades ago.

        The simplest way to explain the behaviour of any bureaucratic organisation is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

  11. mawm says:

    Allow me a moment of self indulgence in commiseration for my people – the White Tribe of Africa. This video is mostly true but leaves out many salient facts. My forebears were amongst those 80 men who arrived in the Cape in 1652 with Jan van Riebeek. The slaughter of Piet Retief by Dingaan was much worse than described. I am told that Retief was a relation of ours. The narrator leaves out how badly the surviving Afrikaners were treated by the British during and after the Anglo-Boer War.

    • Darin says:

      Take all the time you need, it’s important that we remember who our ancestors were and what they did. We owe tham a debt, without them we wouldn’t exist, let alone have the standard of living we do.

  12. Darin says:

    I’m sure that the new Covid variant taking hold in India, China’s cheif economic rival”, is just coincidence right?

    • mawm says:

      Very interesting! It’s almost as if they (WHO, NIH, etc) didn’t want to cure people. Nah! That’s a conspiracy theory.

      It’s good to see Marik belongs to the same White Tribe of Africa and got his undergrad degree at my alma mater and one his specialities through the same College as me, just a few years later though.

  13. mawm says:

    Everything is about race! This is what is so frightening about the Biden misadministration, and it smacks of Obama – if you’re white and a Trump supporter you are the enemy. It’s not even hidden anymore. And Lloyd Austin is probably the worst of the lot.

    At what point does one call them out and say that by denigrating white people to advance their black agenda they are admitting that white people are superior to them?

    • Darin says:

      The military has a cancer and that cancer spreads down from the top. Notice also his confirmation vote 98-2, more evidence that we have a RINO problem.

  14. Michael in Nelson says:

    I play cribbage on Tuesday nights with, as you would expect, mostly retired people. Last night I found out one of the ladies in her mid 80’s was blind in one eye. She said it was caused by WWII. She explained that because so many doctors and nurses were diverted to serve the military, an infection she had went untreated and it cost her the sight in the eye. I must admit I had never considered that aspect of combat and have thought about it a lot since. It is something I have never heard mentioned that civilians went without a lot of medical care because of the needs of the military in war.

    • Darin says:

      Yes, we don’t often hear about the man power shortage outside of war production. My grandmother told us where she was from, being rural, that during the war they had one doctor to cover three counties. Half of the area he covered was on Horseback as paved roads were still a novelty. There were also more accidents and deaths during that time, because half or better of the fighting aged men were off at war and rest who were able bodied worked in war production in town during the week. That meant all of the day to day farm chores were carried out by women and girls who were not all proficient with it.

    • mawm says:

      Michael, the same is happening now. With the resources diverted and the fear of contracting Covid in surgeries, etc., many people have had late diagnoses of things like cancer to the point that they have become untreatable.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        mawm, I am well aware of the terrible effect of the COVID panic resulting in people putting off or being denied life saving medical care (cancer being the most obvious). To my chagrin, I hadn’t extrapolated that to the likelihood of a similar situation during wartime.

  15. mawm says:

    Tucker Carlson Tonight. This is worthy of a listen to – just the first 15 min. It’s just as we thought – the Feds instigated the January 6 “riot”. In my opinion this was a political ploy to get the vote to confirm Biden, AND the GOP leadership were part of it.–fb/c/

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      When I heard this I couldn’t help but hear are a lot of ‘conspiracy theories’ drop into the realm of possibility. The attack on Michele Malkin’s ‘Draw Mohammed” thing was mentioned but there were other attacks on her at other venues and disruptions of conservative speakers across the US. How many of them involved Federal agents acting as provocateurs? Considering the recent directors of the FBI, anything is possible not a far out hypothesis.

      • Darin says:

        Given their envolvement in the following-
        Ruby Ridge
        Oklahoma City
        Fast and Furious
        The Bundy Ranch
        The Lavoy Finicum Murder
        and the Coup against a lawfully elected president. These are just the ones we know about.

        There are some who excuse the feds by claiming “not all federal agents are bad” , frankly I think this is bullshit at this point. Most are either-
        A: Taxpayer funded troughers only interested in their retirement package
        B: Just there because they checked a few diversity boxes on a hiring quota
        C: Lying manipulative sociopaths
        D: Incompetent to the point no one else will hire them, or
        F: All of the above.

        If there are truly any good agents out there, being complacent with evil is becoming evil oneself. Don’t count on anyomne in the Just Us department to save the nation, they are the tap root of corruption.

        • mawm says:

          To be fair I’m sure there are one or two who are decent people who are horrified about what is going on but they are so tied up in non disclosure agreements, that they know will be pursued with vigour, that they are scared to open their mouths. I’m sure there was some psychological experiment where ordinary peoples’ behaviour changed radically when given unfettered power. It happened with the Gestapo, the Stasi, etc. and now is happening with the law enforcement agencies in the US (and the UK to a lesser extent).

          • Darin says:

            There is a better chance of blind ignorance being the case for those. A Patriot would be willing to die to see true justice done.

            • Pascal says:

              I agree Darin. Ignorance on many levels. I’ll expand to a key issue for the ignorant — a lack of faith and lacking a conscience that has not been fogged about what is right.

              When men choose not to believe in God,
              they do not thereafter believe in nothing,
              they then become capable of believing in anything.

              ― Gilbert Keith Chesterton

              They see the power of the state and its ability to crush them. Having been dissuaded by their educators to not even consider what a Higher Power represents, they are left with nothing but with how the Earthly powers define what is patriotic. Are they patriotic to the temporal powers of the state or to a constantly derided piece of paper that defines the limits of the state? You already know what the men in power think about limits on their powers. Don’t you?

              That presents to them a cognitive dissonance, especially in the younger ones, that only us older ones could possibly clear up for them were we to bother to try and were they willing to listen. We come here and practice quite a bit on what we might say. I pray we all are tired of practicing and have begun to engage more often.

              Just remember, should you require medical assistance Zeke Emanuel’s Utilitarian designs intend not to aid you live past 75. Get moving.

  16. mawm says:

    This is an interesting podcast on Covid “vaccines”. The white haired guy is Dr Robert Malone MD – The inventor of mRNA vaccines and one of world’s foremost experts on messenger mRNA therapeutics – having invented the field in 1988, Dr. Malone has extensive research and development experience in the areas of pre-clinical discovery research, clinical trials, vaccines, gene therapy, bio-defense, and immunology.

  17. Michael in Nelson says:

    I find it difficult to believe this is true and if it is, the defector is unlikely to be alive by this time next week and the intel will disappear down a rathole. What is the DIA?

    Having said that, if it is true, it follows that someone has some very good sources.

    • Darin says:

      Defense Intelligence Agency

      This could very well be legit, question is, what will anyone do about it if it is??

      • mawm says:

        What did Admiral Rogers do with the illegal searching of the intelligence data base by the democrats? He informed Trump but were there any persons identified or prosecuted? Did the DIA, the keepers of intelligence, do anything to snuff out the Russia collusion lies? Did they do anything to help prosecute Hillary for abuse of classified information? What about Hunter’s grifting? Yet another intelligence agency not worth the money the American taxpayer is forking out for.

        Don’t expect any action on this other than Dong hanging himself.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        Darin, I guessed that but wasn’t really sure. My doubt comes from the breadth of the supposed intelligence held by one man. If he had been planning this for some time, he might have surreptitiously gathered it. My concern is, if he is real, he is being held by a government agency and so many are compromised his survival and that of his intel is unlikely.