Open House 6/20/21

First, happy Father’s Day!

Some deeper thoughts are missing from this meme. Let’s hear some.

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20 Responses to Open House 6/20/21

  1. Why are so many Trump supporters in jail for 6 months on a trespassing charge that would have a lesser sentence?
    After having the doors held open for them?

  2. And I’m getting tired of Republicans promoting “Juneteenth” as if it celebrates Republican activity.

  3. Alan says:

    Demoncratic party and deep state are the biggest criminal enterprise on the planet.

  4. Darin says:

    Brandon Herrera on the nominee to run the ATF David Chipman

    Had no idea he was involved in Waco and Fast and Furious and probably a bunch of other dirty sh*t.

  5. mawm says:

    Washington is like the Mafia. The UN and IMF, etc are other ‘families’. They work together. Who is the Capo di tutti I Capi?

    • Pascal says:

      So, the equivalent of Omertà is how silence is maintained? All those Arkancides are not simply Clinton originating?

  6. Pascal says:

    Dave Perkins:

    “Science” is now little more than politics. Scientists make findings that are desired by those who bring the grants and the funds. Any scientists who even speculate differently are rigorously forced out of professional alliances, sidelined, marginalized and drummed out of the science business. So it is with climate change going on thirty years now, and so it is with public discussion of the corona virus. It is so naked, this abuse of the “above politics” reputation of science, that the top government disease doctor has publicly said, “an attack on me is an attack on science”. Craven, weak, and proof positive that science now SERVES politics. Scientists around the world should be embarrassed and ashamed. Too few are.

    Credentials are no longer what establishes credibility, but rather something to throw up to obscure or deny political intent. The larger and more significant the credentials brought up in a political argument, the more likely the one with the credentials is simply obscuring his own political partisanship and purposes.

    Institutional reputation was once how we knew whom to trust. Back when we watched Efrem Zimbalist Jr. play out real life stories from the files of “The FBI” every week on TV, with that somber and impactful orchestral theme introduction, did we ever dream of a James Comey or a Peter Strzok manipulating the agency for ugly political purposes, swimming in the institutional reputation it enjoyed, and wrecking that reputation as each day passed? The great American institutions are skeletons now, same form but no more muscle, no more guts… hollowed out by dishonorable people.
    The Supreme Court’s job used to be to align law with the Constitution. Today, we count conservative and liberal justices like players on a sports team. Findings in that court are too often slippery now, with political issues advanced or turned back on technicalities like “standing” instead of properly and courageously decided. The left plans to pack the court, the right resists, and NOBODY believes the output of the court is free from politics.

    Elections were once fair, with all involved working for transparency and propriety. Any abuses made news headlines and were prosecuted. Today, almost no elections in this country are free of tampering, and the order which once protected them has been jettisoned almost without any defense from traditionalists. All the while, “voting rights” is the cry, and those who want to protect them are accused of trying to destroy them.

    Nothing is left that is above politics. Corruption is universal. Credentials, institutional reputation, tradition, science, elections, all are now in the service of deceit for political outcomes’ sake. When those are invoked, that is how you know you are being deceived.

    That which was higher than politics has succumbed to politics.

    Nothing is real anymore, folks. Nothing.

    The shadow of Robert Conquest looms over this.

    • Pascal says:

      The Great Reset has many facets. Each one more insane than the previous provides more evidence that the manipulators see the end coming. As the vast population has become accustomed enough to irrationality becoming the norm, just maybe the hateful illegitimi can skirt the consequences.

      For example, Soros must absolutely hate his own offspring as much as he hates the rest of us, because surely he expects to have departed before the SHTF and good luck sonny boys.

  7. Pascal says:

    You believe that not living in CA means this doesn’t affect you? CA’s delegation to the US House of Representatives keeps it in Dem (and Pelosi) hands.

    Furthermore, CA could easily have many more undeserved Congressmen too because the Census there openly invited fraud.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    My sincere wish is that those who railed against Hydroxychloroquine and invermectin preventing them from being used as effective treatments of COVID-19 resulting in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands are indicted for murder. Unrealistic I know but THAT would be justice.

  9. Pascal says:

    Golf hater KG is smiling with mixed emotions tonight. PGA Tour televised by CBS has been forced to preempt the whole hour of 60 minutes because today’s tourney ran to 8 overtime holes so far. After 8 PM EST and still going. LOL

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    Another one bites the dust.

    You’d think they would eventually learn but then again, we’re talking lefties.

    • Darin says:

      TDS rages on with these people, meanwhile people are being shot in Times Square and they got nothing better to do, but try and hang Trump.

    • mawm says:

      He must be the cleanest man in the US. All the investigations from Muller to Vance and not an ounce of dirt. Now do the same for Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, etc