Open House 6/28/21

Why I hate politicians-

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31 Responses to Open House 6/28/21

    • mawm says:

      They’ll keep on getting away with it and it’ll get worse. No one is ever held accountable, especially if they are of the chosen. This all started with Hillary not even being investigated by a partisan FBI/DOJ. (I know that there were incidents before but this was the first major blatant thumbing the nose at America). And the GOP leadership silence speaks volumes.

  1. Alan says:

    The Republican leadership is both feeble and arrogant at the same time. The are not in touch with the general public and view them as the great unwashed. Romney is a perfect example.

  2. Darin says:

    Pile up at the Tour-

    Arses, elbows and Lycra everywhere :lol:

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      “The uploader has not made this video available in your country” Never did understand the reason for this.

      The lady with the sign has apparently been caught. Stupid, yes, malicious, no but they will probably nail her to a cross for damaging the green transporation.

      • mawm says:

        It’s also pretty stupid having people so close to the road. Eighty kilograms of bike and rider at 40 km/h can cause some serious damage. Add the twenty behind to the impact and a spectator can be severely injured.
        It used to be bit like that with rallying but now they seem to be placed in safe positions. My first F1 Grand Prix that I watched was from the edge of the track behind a standard steel road barrier found on corners and precipitous drop-offs.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Here we go again…

    Perp walked in handcuffs!? Where have we seen this before mmmm?

    • MikeH. says:

      Just like a cheap padlock does little more than keep honest people… honest, a cheap display of SWAT raids on threat-less geriatrics or publicly perp walking even low level members of the opposition keeps people from opposing.

      Where have we seen this before? the USSR, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and most recently; Seattle, Portland, Kenosha…

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Ok Dems, tell me again how Biden is mentally sharp…

  5. Darin says:

    Remember that girl from Epstien Island Bill Clinton said he, never, ever had any contact with?

    This could get interesting….or the judge could have an unfortunate accident.

  6. mawm says:

    From the horses mouth……..

    Helen Clark, who co-chairs the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response set up by the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not expect life to be back to normal, as we previously knew it, in her lifetime.

    The Great Reset is all planned and has been set into action. The players barring one are in place – Biden, Ardern, Trudeau, Johnson, Macron, von der Leyen (EU), Guterres (UN), Lagarde ((IMF), etc. Scott Morrison (Aus) is the only one that is not fully on board. The Visegrad group en bloc will probably hold out.

    • Darin says:

      Yes, it’s going to be interesting, the new preception of power they grabbed for themselves is their shiney new toy and they aren’t going to give it up willingly.

      • mawm says:

        Ardern is steaming ahead with secret processes to hand massive powers to Maori (there are none with more than 50% blood) and with alarmingly restrictive hate speech legislation.

  7. mawm says:

    “The Thirty Tyrants” – An essay from Lee Smith, author of “The Plot Against The President”. This is a longish but excellent read. It’ll also make you quite angry.

    “… the new American oligarchy believes that democracy’s failures are proof of their own exclusive right to power—and they are happy to rule in partnership with a foreign power that will help them destroy their own countrymen.”

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    I think I need to get my brain fixed…

    When I saw this, my first thought is “Isn’t ‘Menstrators’ a sexist term? Why not ‘Themstrators’ or ‘Itstrators’, they would make just as much sense”

  9. Darin says:

    To bad it’s hard to boycott something that nobody is watching anyway.

    US Womens soccer, about as useful as an Accordian in an operating room.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    I love watching a man with skills who knows his job.

  11. Darin says:

    Tucker Carlson piece on the root of America’s Opioid crisis and who is to blame-

  12. Michael in Nelson says:

    The fuckwittery is strong in this one.

    (followed a link in The Blaze)