Open House 8/8/21

America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars and Looted the People The Claimed to Serve:

The Federalist-

“Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in June that he wanted to understand “white rage,” why “thousands of people” tried “to assault this building and … overturn the Constitution of the United States of America.”

If Milley really wants to understand the “rage” of the American people he should start by asking why he and his fellow generals can’t win any wars. As a Marine Corps officer who served at the tail end of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I saw firsthand the rapid ideological transformation pervading the military in the wake of these disasters in the Middle East.”

I cannot say that he is wrong

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27 Responses to Open House 8/8/21

  1. Darin says:

    Always on the opposite side of the planet and already spoken for…sigh….

    • mawm says:

      The injustice of punishing the person meeting out the justice required.

      Another one I saw today on a poster – “If a dog can be put down for biting a child why aren’t paedophiles?”

      • Pascal says:

        How about “public servants” doing their job? Oh, that was yesterday? How far back is that now?

        On the other hand, these pubic servants are very jealous of those who do their jobs for them. Hence the long punishment.

  2. mawm says:

    Multicultural Sweden – “A Nation Committing Suicide”

    So now it is not only the rape capital of Europe….
    “Sweden has recorded the highest death rate from shootings in Europe in the past 15 years”

    Good. What goes around, comes around! They paid for the bombs that Mandela and his communist terrorist gang used to kill innocent civilians of all races while they went about their daily lives. Just because they didn’t agree with another country’s internal policies did not give them the right to kill and maim! Maybe now they are rethinking the noble savage idea. All too late! C#nts!

    • Darin says:

      Sad, same thing going on in Canada. We can be multi-ethnic, but not multi-cultural. One nation of many works, but not many nations of many, that’s just a chaotic mess.

    • pb says:

      Sweden lost the culture war long ago. When they allowed the removal of state christianity, they were quickly overwhelmed. They are flailing about lost, whilst their enemy wield high tech psychological warfare and are implementing a Morgenthau plan upon them.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      We keep being told to follow the science. Ok, let’s do that.

      • mawm says:

        This video is going “viral”, as it should. Simple basic medical science – no hysteria, no hyperbole. The medical profession is beginning to break free of the constraints placed on them.

        The information coming out of Israel and Iceland puts an end to the lie that the vacs will prevent you getting the disease they’ll prevent you from spreading the disease they’ll decrease the severity and stop you from dying. It is even now looking as if the vaccinated are the source of the disease.

        • Pascal says:

          Only last week I learned of the virus known as RSV that this doctor mentions as much worse than covid. My 3 yo granddaughter got it from daycare and it led to complications of pneumonia and pleurisy. Still in hospital

          • Darin says:

            Yes, I had that about 6 years ago. Took me a solid month to shake it. Tired and coughing up junk the whole time, not fun at all.

          • mawm says:

            RSV has been around like forever. The kids get sick. What is worrying me is that they seem to be more so at the moment. Is this because they have been isolated from society and all the things that get spread around that are necessary for their immune systems to be stimulated? Isolation has always had an adverse effect on immune development especially in kids. Even in nuts like Howard Hughes and Michael Jackson their germophobia made them more at risk.

    • Pascal says:

      “Mr. Donald told him we were wasting resources on him and people like him who had no future in this world,” [Huntington police Sgt. Jason] Davis said.

      Well if that is an accurate quotation from the video, the “guy” — the proud murderer — certainly drinks of the same bilge as Zeke.

      For a long time here, KG, you and I have provided evidence of the growing trend to devalue human life. As I have put it, those who choose to view human life as just another commodity see as their enemy all who hold human life as sacred.

      When Felix Rex noticed in Hamburg that the sole example of Greco-Roman architecture that survived WW II bombing was now occupied by a Starbucks, he remarked “stick a fork in Western Civilization.” I responded:

        What would you expect of a civilization that commodifies everything? Everything now has a value based upon what it will bring at market. Each of us may be valued far less for all our potential to do great things than for how much a wealthy buyer will bid today for our smoke-free, well-exercised heart.

      Mr Donald, if convicted and sentenced to life in prison, will then be draining even more resources and providing less of value than that he deemed of his grandfather. Will he volunteer his body parts to those more worthwhile or will the society he helped advance “progress” do that for him?

      • Darin says:

        He will probably recieve a pardon and end up working at the NIH with Fraudchi.

        • Pascal says:

          Sure. That’s also the kind of reward all Stalin’s true believers expected. Instead they got the gulag dead end. And even then — forgive me as you’ve surely heard it before — the dying breath of one of them was recorded as “If Stalin only knew.” The Lord works in mysterious ways, often letting the enablers pay at the hands of those they enable.

  3. Darin says:

    Damn, that’s sick beyond words, the worst is, WV doesn’t have the death penalty and there is also no telling how many more of these sociopaths are out there.