Remember when men and women were..

Smarter and had time to purse worthwhile endeavours ?

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3 Responses to Remember when men and women were..

  1. pb says:

    Medieval “serfs” had 35 weeks a year holiday. After they tilled the land, for which the laird provided a wall and relative safety, the people could do what they wished. This is how the great cathedrals of Europe were built.

    Our slavish addiction to debt has time-enslaved everyone. Once we reject it, we will get that time back. Time to tinker in the garage and make engines even.

    Over half the cost of a thing, goes to banks, as debt upon debt upon debt piled up amongst the interconnected suppliers.

    It is a banal, insidious evil.

    • Andy5759 says:

      I read somewhere that the average serf worked 147 days a year. Quite probably very long hours during harvest time. A basic diet, occasionally supplemented by a bit of venison which leapt into the pot. Now and then a few hardy men would be called upon to join the local baron’s militia to fight for the king, much as today. On the upside, we nowadays can choose the robber barons through voting for them.

      • pb says:

        Harvest time was always long. Our boss provided a caravan into which we crashed after midnight. He’d often come out with a crate of beer, mid shift. Ahh, the good old days.

        Just finished reading the Iliad, an old myth, more true for time. Wise Odysseus tells Achilles to calm down advising not rushing out to sack Troy on an empty stomach: “Nothing exhausts a man so quickly as a pitched battle where the sword is like a sickle which cuts the field for little gain…” Odysseus then urges the men to fill their bellies with fat dripping roasted meat and wine, before seeking revenge.

        You are right, we choose our robber barons. The sickness we see in society is a result of our choices. Then again, the hard choice, the righteous choice beckons.