Andrews is next….

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9 Responses to Andrews is next….

  1. mawm says:

    All she needs is a little Charlie Chaplin moustache.

    Australia’s national carrier Qantas has been leading the charge of no vax, no fly. There are not many alternatives. This is the new way of removing one’s rights – the governments can’t without breaching the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so they get their “private” handmaidens to do so which gets them a hefty government subsidy.

    • Pascal says:

      mussolinian fasism

    • mawm says:

      Now Air New Zealand CEO is saying that they will mandate a vaccine passport to be ably to fly internationally but are still considering local flights. Air NZ is just over 50% government owned. This is coercion and is illegal.

      Having an inoculation forced on one that does not prevent one from getting the disease, that does not prevent one from spreading the disease, that does not prevent severe complications (death) from the disease and which itself has severe and often fatal side effects, for a disease with less than 1% mortality is criminal. I wonder whose palms in the NZ government are being greased? We know Jacinda has bought off the press so they will not be asking.

      This whole charade makes me angry.

      • Pascal says:

        I am angry for you — and the rest of us with targets on our backs. May as well as forget about hopes for one of the better internment camps– they just want to be done with the lot of us.

        • mawm says:

          I’ve sat in my house for months on end for this witch. Her plan is not working. Never was going to! And for this if I want to travel out of Auckland , I can’t. If I want to travel to Australia, I can’t. Next I will not be able to go to a pub, eat out if not vaxxed – but they’d have to open restaurants and pubs first. The devastation of our economy is mind boggling! People are getting really angry.

          • Michael in Nelson says:

            mawm, I’ve seen the comment that “The vaccinated need to be proteceted from the unvaxinated by forcing them to get vaccinated with a vaccine that doesn’t protect the vaccinated from the disease it was supposedly designed to provide protection from”. While we are not locked down as badly as you have been, the mask requirements are driving me crazy. You need to wear a mask to get groceries or hardware and even to go into a pharmacy but not to go into a McDonalds.

          • Darin says:

            Not angry enough though.

  2. Pascal says:
    “Substantial increased risks” to diseases more deadly than CoV-2 to those who had vaxxed and later came down with Covid.

    Takeaway– the mandated vaxxing is more deadly than the disease.