Momentum Building?

Vermont — 76% of September Covid deaths were Fully Vaccinated…

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11 Responses to Momentum Building?

  1. Andy5759 says:

    That Police woman in the first clip is so typical of the types we have here in Britain. Common Purpose to the core. You cannot reason with people who are wise beyond all reason, aka witlessly woke.

  2. mawm says:

    The Auckland protest was lead by ex politician and now founder and “Bishop”of the Destiny Church Brian Tamake. He’s regarded as a bit of a fraud and has now been charged for leading that protest. But good on him. I think that protest would have been much bigger if his name had not been attached to it.

    It’s good to see the Aussies protest but gratuitous vandalism like that really does not do the cause any good.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Reactions by the authorities are growing as well.

    So, now the Aussie police are replacing the postal delivery people?

  4. Pb says:

    Tamaki given a little space for a sideshow and to let the new tyrannous police state flex it’s muscle. Circus for the non-compliant and compliant plebs, to distract them from a collapsing system:

  5. mawm says:

    Peter McCullough with a recent presentation to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. It takes a bit of concentration and is an hour long but it is worthwhile to listen to for anyone who has any questions about the Covid19 vaccines.