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5 Responses to Econazis

  1. Mike-SMO says:

    A reminder. They gave up on the established technology of sailing ships for a reason. Coal-fired steam boilers always worked, even when the wind didn’t. There is no practical battery technology that will get homes and factories through the cold winters or summer doldrums.

    Several years ago, I enjoyed an auto trip in northern Illinois. Ther were lines of bird choppers along the way. Maybe one in ten was turning since the wind was along the line of towers. Most were dead in the wind “shadow” of the few that were working.

    Continental weather patterns are large scale processes. To have a chance of something getting some wind, the towers have to be spread out. Last I read, both NYC and the west coast were looking into “wind farms” in Wyoming. That’s some long “extention cords”.

    Building the towers require a huge amount of energy (concrete, steel, polymers, construction, transport, etc). More energy than the towers will ever produce. The generator pods have an expected service life of ~25 years, at which point, you do it all over again.

    Most modern sailing vessels have “backup” engines for propulsion and electric power, because staring at the seagulls gets boring pretty quickly.

    The whole dream of “Green” power is based on the fraud of CO(2)-caused climate change. We’ve had at least a half dozen “ice ages” with glaciers redecorating North America. I doubt if those ice masses were melted by guys in furry underwear using mastadon fat torches. Economy and efficiency are good. Wind power is a farce.

    • Darin says:

      All very good points, another is the massive disposal problem that has appeared dealing with turbine blades and solar panels when they life out. The average lifespan is just 10 years for turbine blades and there isn’t much use for a multi-ton chunk of fiberglass when they are done. The last estimate I saw was 15-20,000 blades per year just in the US, that need changing and disposing of, all of which are buried in landfills.
      Some see wind and solar as the only way forward, I see them as a massive waste of resources.

      • mawm says:

        I see them as a total fraud being hoisted on us. These “green” activists are never held liable for the destruction and death caused by their policies.

        • Pascal says:

          Clinton signed an exec order granting the green NGOs immunity from liability. I don’t see how that could stand a court test as a Prez gets to grant pardons after sentencing, not what would be perpetual license. That would be like granting untouchable class status in a purportedly classless society. Additionally, no Prez since wrote an EO rescinding that one, reinforcing the notion that they all have been Progressives, not just Bush but Trump too.