Open House 10/16/21

Looks like the Italians are waking up

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26 Responses to Open House 10/16/21

  1. Darin says:

    Further proof, the vax mandates have a lot to do with money-
    Vince Quill on Twitter-

    I’ve been involved with bidding civil contract jobs with a few local governments. This isn’t the way those contracts are written.

    Normally, goods or services are offered for a set price. Those goods or services must be delivered on time, must function as advertised and must pass final inpection before payment for said goods and services is received.

    Australia would be in a different place, if the contract stipulated that the vaccines had to be delivered, tested, approved and shown to work as advertised before Phizer got a nickle out of the deal.

    Wonder if those in government that approved this deal got any “perks” from big Pharma?

    • mawm says:

      There has to be something – money, membership of Davos, threat of excommunication from the UN and other world bodies, that has made one leader after another push a vaccine that has not been comprehensively tested and that has shown to be less effective than claimed, and ban any effective treatment of the early disease. Trudeau and Ardern are both communists ideologically and I can understand that they do not care about the destruction in their wake as they follow some “orders” from a central power, but Scott Morrison is not.

      Meanwhile in NZ as we hit an uncontrolled outbreak of the more contagious Delta mutation the use ivermectin, which has a safe track record and has shown to be effective, has been banned in order to force us all to get vaccinated. And they wonder why there is resistance to getting inoculated.

      • Michael in Nelson says:


        I would like to know what advice, if any, Arden received from the Health Dept about how many health care workers are expected to retire/resign rather than accept the vaccine before she issued the mandate. In addition, how will the loss of those frontline workers affect the ability of the health system to deliver adequate health care. Specifically, how many cervical screening procedures will be lost, how may mole clinics will be cancelled and which elective procedures will be discontinued.

        Further to that, I would like to know if any such question has been put forward in Parliament.

        • mawm says:

          I still have some connection to the largest DHB’s staff and have been horrified at their response. To be fair they were put through some of the most dramatic fear-inducing indoctrination right at the start by having to don and doff full anti-viral protective clothing and how it could fail. The end result is they all rushed off for their “vaccinations”. They’ll be due boosters soon….and they will take them.

          I’m unaware of any of the political parties questioning anything to do with vaccinations as the only choice or with vaccine passports (for that is what this is about). Even my letter to David Seymour got a little evasion as to my questions about them.

          I don’t have a link but there have been reports of the NHS’s failures to meet targets during the covid madness. These of course have knock-on effects such as missed diagnoses of malignancies as you allude to.

      • Phillip Stephenson says:

        My left leaning brother scoffed at me when I suggested Scott Morrison was too far to the left to be a leader of the Liberal Party, but he has acted consistently like a Labor leader would. I hope to see a real conservative before too long but I fear the damage has been done.

    • Andy5759 says:

      I’m sure they did get perks from the pharma gates. I’m also certain that there is blackmail too, think Epstein and his network. Every single first world nation, every politician in every party, every major media outlet, and all of the unionised educators have been captured. This is the work of ages, planned over centuries, therein lies a weakness, hubris. They will become impatient to bring all of this to fruition, they will rush things through, they will make – and have made – mistakes. This northern winter will be the watershed, they win or they lose. Either way we will have all lost something along the way.

      Miserable old git ain’t I.

  2. mawm says:

    Auckland to be punished again for government mismanagement of Covid19. Another two weeks home detention. South Island as well – no cases but to remain at level 2. Everything is about chasing the vaccinated numbers. They have absolutely no idea that they need to do something different like treating the disease early…. or is this just Ardern’s craven subservience to the WHO and the UN and the job she hopes for when Labour is voted out?

    I have just wandered up to the local shops. I live in a wealthy area but the shops are closing, one by one. There is so much vacant commercial space. It’ll will take decades to recover.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      mawm, I honestly think Arden is taking direction from other countries and the WHO because I doubt she has ever had and original thought of her own. All I have ever heard from her has been platitudes and talking points others have said before.

      • mawm says:

        There is no doubt in my mind that this has been planned for some time. For example, every country’s MoH has pandemic plans that have been developed over the years but suddenly Covid19 pokes its head around the corner and almost simultaneously they all bin those plans and come up with similar ideas on how to manage it – masks, hand washing, social distancing, lockdowns, the sky is falling in and the vaccines are the only way humanity is going to survive, PCR tests, 24/7 fear-provoking stories, daily deaths, daily cases, etc. AND the big one – there is no treatment and if you suggest any it will be banned, if you prescribe it you will be deregistered, if you publish you will be ridiculed. and by the way no peer reviewed journal will peer review you. And because this is humanity’s last chance we will make you get vaccinated or else your life will become intolerable. And then we will track you forever! Heil Hitler!

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Well fuck me dead and burry me pregnant. I think I’ll just wander over to a corner and puke my brains out.

    • mawm says:

      This is the kind of thing Obama does and he does it to rub America’s nose in the dirt. With Biden being trotted out onto a fake Oval Office it would not surprise me one bit if Obama was actually sitting in the real one with his usual bunch of acolytes attending to him.

      We now live in a dystopian world. The evil that is out there is running rampant and we are doing nothing. To paraphrase Solzhenitsyn – until such time as the law enforcement officers are in doubt about making it home alive at night, they will continue to abuse us and our rights.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    It sure as hell wasn’t from mingling with all the non-vaccinated illegals invading from the Southern border.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    It’s not Memorial Day, Armistice Day or any other day of remembrance. What better time to say “We will remember them.”

  6. Darin says:

    One does not simply “pet” an Alligator

  7. Andy5759 says:

    Retrieved this from trash where WP tossed it. Dunno why. 5 days old but still timely.
    It may also be found where it should have turned up in the first place, but we chose to post it again in case readers don’t notice it is where it belongs now.

    Andy5759 says:
    October 17, 2021 at 09:47

    I’m sure they did get perks from the pharma gates. I’m also certain that there is blackmail too, think Epstein and his network. Every single first world nation, every politician in every party, every major media outlet, and all of the unionised educators have been captured. This is the work of ages, planned over centuries, therein lies a weakness, hubris. They will become impatient to bring all of this to fruition, they will rush things through, they will make – and have made – mistakes. This northern winter will be the watershed, they win or they lose. Either way we will have all lost something along the way.

    Miserable old git ain’t I.

    • mawm says:

      Every single first world nation, every politician in every party, every major media outlet,

      How can the whole Western world behave as one, why are they mandating the same illogical responses in lockstep? The questions I keep on asking myself is who is orchestrating this and how have they got governments, the health industry, business leaders and the MSM in their totality to back this totalitarian madness. And watching the response of the masses has been a most astonishing lesson in collective human behaviour of rushing to their own demise.

      ……and punishing of the unvaccinated for not wanting to be part of this by cutting them out of society. Jawohl mein herr.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    New Zealand doesn’t have vaccine certificate requirements. Yeah, right