Zero Sympathy

“Men who have sex with men comprise the vast majority of monkeypox cases in this unprecedented outbreak. Eighteen of them talked to NBC News about their experiences.”

NBC,who else?

““This is a positive way to break down the stigma about a virus that can affect anyone,” he said.”

These Fruit snackers are a riot. I suppose it *can* affect anyone, but so far it mostly  affects groups of random men who f*ck other random men in the arse. And it’s not the gay part that causes the stigma, it’s the stupid part. As in gay or straight, having sex with groups of random strangers is a horribly stupid idea.

How much would you wager than many of these literal f*cking idiots were also mask nazis as recently as two months ago??


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4 Responses to Zero Sympathy

  1. mawm says:

    All the men who have sex with men (wonderful euphemism) must do is keep it in their pants for 3 weeks and the epidemic will end. The medical authorities know that, and so probably do the medical journalists at all the major news outlets; they just don’t want to advise them to do so.

    • Darin says:

      History repeats, same story as Aids, quit promiscuous activity and the problem solves itself. But now like then, we must not offend the gay mafia by suggesting they stop whoring around.

      On a side note, it seems vasectomies are up 900% in the US since Roe was struck down. I say good, the best type of liberals are childless ones.

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    Poor John. He was ‘bummed out” because his arse fucking has been curtailed for time being. When I read that I thought it was a pun, and I began to think it was actualy satire, but I kept on reading and found it was all serious. Why don’t they just use condoms?

  3. Pb says:

    Average gay man has FOUR sexual partners per day during their lives. Monkeypox will spread. Sodomites expect obliteration. It’s in the act.