The Beginnings of a Major Shift?

Rumor the Dems are worried, very worried and with good reason-

”  Republican candidates went from 10,786 votes in Orleans Parish to 15,737 in 2023, for an increase of nearly 46% in total votes.

            Orleans Parish is 53.6% black, and nearly 70% non-white.  If this is not an outlier, but rather indicative of a trend, there is good reason for Democrats to cry “doom.”  Similar voting populations (Orleans parish went to Biden by more than a 68% margin in 2020) exist in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, Charlotte, Raleigh, Chicago, Newark, and across many major metros critical to sustaining the perverse Democrat coalition.”

This could be very,very Uuuge  in 2024. This of course assumes the diaper wearer doesn’t fumble us into WWIII.

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5 Responses to The Beginnings of a Major Shift?

  1. Well, NZ repudiated their slave masters.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      I well remember when ‘Dear’ Jacinda told a reporter that yes, the NZ Government was making the unvaccinated second class citizens.

      • mawm says:

        I remember the “we’ll be your sole source of truth” and then the lies that spewed from her mouth. I also remember how my colleagues, who should have known better (it was that obvious) followed her every diktat like sheep. Neither will be looked upon with anything but contempt.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          I believe the lack of questioning by the health professionals was the most frightening part of the ‘pandemic’. The truth was easily available.