Open House 11/2/23

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10 Responses to Open House 11/2/23

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    An observational trial but the large sample size lends weight to the conclusions.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

    “We will remember them”

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    And the Left wonders why the ‘Rednecks’ don’t trust the injustice system.

    Unbelievable that this man was not in confinement.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Will the DC DA charge the agents for firing a weapon to protect property? Would they charge John Q Public for the same?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    The ‘experts’ have lot to answer for, like thousands of lost lives.

    That’s not counting those that could have been saved with ivermectin.

  6. mawm says:

    There is such obvious criminality in suppressing potentially effective treatment for Covid and nobody seems to be interested in investigating the perpetrators. It’s almost like human lives matter less than money…